Reading Head Start Review

Updated: February 10, 2024 | Published:

Do you want to be your child’s best teacher or maybe you already are? We’re sure they’re counting on you and their other teachers to help them get a head start when it comes to reading. Learn how you can make all of your approaches work in favor of assisting children to learn how to read quickly, correctly, and easily with our reading head start review.

Reading Head Start Review

Reading Head Start Overview

Does it Work?
1000s of happy parents use it Worldwide.

The subscription is just $37 pm.

  • Engages Children: Makes reading enjoyable for kids, sparking a genuine interest in learning.​​​​
  • Boosts Confidence: Awards and stages of achievement help boost children’s self-esteem.​​
  • Improves Various Skills: Enhances phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, and more.​​
  • Flexible and Affordable: Offers several pricing tiers and a trial option to suit different needs.​​
  • Requires Internet Access: The program’s digital nature necessitates reliable internet.​​​​
  • Time Commitment: Parents must dedicate time consistently for the program to be effective.​​
  • Technology Dependent: Accessing the program requires devices, which might be a barrier for some.​​
  • Digital Format Limitation: Lacks physical books or materials, which may affect learning preferences.​​

Overall Rating

During the formative years, a child obtains important skills. These skills not only aid in a youngster’s growth but also assist him or her in making a smooth transition to school. Child psychologists have conducted numerous studies that show the importance of reading.

These abilities also aid in the development of language, which is the initial step toward learning other skills. All of these combined ensure success in professional and future life.

It’s a devastating experience for any parent to witness their kid perform poorly in school. It damages the child’s morale and self-esteem. Illiteracy has a detrimental influence on dropout rates and crime rates.

Reading Head Start Sarah Shepard

It’s critical to note that it is not the responsibility of the education system alone to teach children how to read.

A child’s development is shaped by the adults in their lives. As a parent, you have an important role to play not just with love and support but also as a guide who can identify any struggles or learning disabilities early on so they are corrected before it becomes too difficult for him/her to overcome these obstacles while still developing into confident readers.

Don’t let poor literacy skills be the reason your child hates school. You could be too busy, see no point in early reading skills development, or you’ve run out of techniques to help your child achieve better reading.

There are many programs dedicated to helping you instill early reading skills in your child’s mind.

However, picking the best one is a daunting task. You have to find the one that best addresses reading issues like slow reading, boredom, lack of attention, poor reading comprehension, and reading disabilities.

Reading Head Start is a certified reading program for kids that has been proven to work best in getting them to read.

Go the extra mile to invest in your child’s future using an intensive reading system that ensures you get your money’s worth. It uses unique methods of teaching that your child will enjoy.

Check out this quick summary review before you get started. No doubt, you’ll make the wisest decision after this.

A mother is always the beginning. She is how things begin.

Amy Tan

What is the Reading Head Start Program?

Reading Head Start

Reading Head Start is a program created by Sarah Shepard dedicated to teaching children to read well. This reading system uses unique approaches, yet still unknown to many.

The most impressive part of the program is that it recognizes your role as a parent in shaping your child’s future. Therefore, you get to be your child’s teacher.

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The Reading Head Start course is quite simple but intensive. It is a 40-week program and you only get to put in 15 minutes per night for three days a week.

So, if you’re too busy during the day, you still get the time to be with your child and keep up with his or her progress. But remember, it requires patience to start seeing results.

This is a program designed to accommodate every child even if they have zero reading experience or a lack of interest in reading. It promises to help your child, even if their teachers’ efforts to teach them reading have been futile. Reading Head Start is for you, even if you feel like you’ve tried everything possible. This system allows you to use one license for your entire family.

According to Sarah, this program works for any child at any age, whether or not they are naturally gifted. She confidently claims it’s 100% effective and will have your child understand letters and sounds even as early as one month.

It is an award-winning and certified program. It’s been refined by many parents, renowned educators, and famous scholars, and it keeps improving. The reading lessons use exciting and interactive delivery methods. So, you can be sure to see a significant difference in your child’s reading. It promises that once you begin teaching your child to read using this method, the results will surprisingly impress you.

The importance of your child starting reading at an early age can’t be overemphasized. It’s a basis for learning more things. The success of your child in school and future life depends heavily on these early years.

As a parent, finding effective methods to teach your child to read well can be a headache. You find yourself going for expensive tutoring, buying so many textbooks, and even constant encouragement. Eventually, all these may still fail to work and you get so devastated.

However, Sarah Shepard is saving you all the worry. She is taking a colossal risk by letting you know about her scientifically proven guaranteed method that the education system is hiding from you. She wants to help set your child on a path to success.

Sarah explains that Reading Head Start is a proven, effective method that has seen more than a million families immensely benefit from it. Many satisfied parents have complimented the program and recommend it to any parent who is worried about their child’s reading skills.

She has shared her new way of teaching with many parents and personal students. This yielded great outcomes for most of them, and her system gained popularity. She’s now sharing these valuable techniques, so your child gets the best head start at a relatively cheap cost. You can give the program to loved ones as a gift. You can do this by digitally sending a custom gift email or physically gifting membership certificates.

Unlike other educational programs, Reading Head Start requires you to sit beside your child working with them only 15 minutes per night 3 times a week. It’s that easy to use. If that’s too much, this program isn’t for you. If you’re determined to see your child reading clearly and confidently, this system is highly recommended. It is proven to be an effective way to get your child to grasp the reading concept.

Give Reading Head Start a try. This may be a powerful reading tool like no other you’ve tried. You may end up with plenty of tools that will make it that much easier for your child to read. Don’t rely entirely on the education system to shape your child’s future. Do it differently than others and your child will love you for setting them on a path to success.

Reading Head Start is 100% legit and you can use this link to access the official website

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How Does The Program Help Your Child?

Sarah made Reading Head Start a fun and exciting reading program designed for kids. So, no doubt your child is going to love it. It will introduce your child to a different reading perspective that boosts his or her knowledge, understanding, and memory retention.

Head Start Program Reviews

She guarantees your child will start reading enthusiastically and passionately and be a quick learner within a short time.

Her simple, effective method, she says, will see your child reading clearly and understanding every word better than children 2-4 years older than them.

Furthermore, with your help, your child will be reading books out loud confidently.

A parent claims she purchased the program for her 3-year-old daughter and a year later she was able to read between 2nd and 4th-grade levels.

After using the techniques in the program well, your child stands a better chance of fitting into school easily and will also help him or her to pass with flying colors in all study levels and ultimately succeed in their career and future life. Your child’s confidence will grow from this.

Sarah claims this system is proven to curb difficulties associated with reading such as delayed learning disabilities.

It also helps in preventing and reverse dyslexia. A mother who was worried about her son’s delayed learning disability used the Reading Head Start program on Caleb, his 18-month-old son. A month later, her child started to read amazingly well, even though she had lost hope in all children’s reading programs. With a video testimonial, she thanked Sarah.

As a parent, you too are promised to benefit by discovering new and exciting ways to help shape your child’s academic future and understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses in reading. You’ll without a doubt have much fun with your child and this will be a perfect quality bonding time.

At the end of the program, this can motivate your child to be a passionate reader who doesn’t need to be forced to read. This early reading will help in cognitive and communication skills development.

Children learning reading at an early age is crucial since it is believed they absorb a lot of information when young. Ensure your child learns to read while their mind can still accommodate much.

Skills that can be developed from using this system include:

  • Phonemic skills – a child can easily perceive different sounds in a word. They can then combine these sounds to create words. Your child should have a well-developed phonemic awareness by the time they enter grade school, otherwise, they risk facing reading difficulties past that level. This skill is the most important since all future reading skills rely on this.
  • Decoding skills -teach them how to sound out words. They are able to recognize words they’ve heard and also decode unfamiliar words through sound manipulation.
  • Phonic skills – teach kids to relate letters or groups of letters and the sounds they make.
  • Sound-association skills like rhyming- help kids identify a group of words that are close to each other.
  • Vocabulary helps kids to know the meanings of words. Studies have shown that your child’s vocabulary at age 3 reflects third-grade reading skills.

All these are a basis for developing other reading skills like fluency and reading comprehension. It is very crucial that every reading program is focused on nurturing the above learning skills, unfortunately, that’s not the case. However, reading Head Start promises your child will be reading complex books with speed and accuracy while understanding meaning.

The power of positive feedback in any reading program cannot be overlooked. This way you get to know that a system is not just based on claims and promises. You will hear from other people in the same situation as you. Here are some Reading Head Start Reviews from Parents:

Head Start Reviews from Parents

“Since I purchased Reading Head Start for my 3-year old son, we’ve both had a thrilling experience. Just a month into the program and his reading is incredible. I’ve used other programs unsuccessfully for a long time but Reading Head Start came along and changed everything. He can now confidently sound out words. We are both so excited about the tools used and the new content you keep adding. I am so impressed by the reading success he’s achieved through this. This program is exceptional!” 

Wendy W

“I have been using Reading Head Start for two weeks now with my 2-year-old daughter and I can say this program is fantastic. The excitement and joy that she gets from the word games, workbooks, letter books, and reading cards is the biggest thing ever! We’ve had so much fun with the letter sound songs. The look on her face during those 15 minutes screen time is everything! I’m proud of my choice to teach her to sound out words using this system. We absolutely love this program!” 


“My 5-year-old had the least interest in reading until we stumbled upon Reading Head Start. She’s implemented everything taught in the program and her performance has gone up really quickly. She loves school more than ever before. She’s very motivated and has developed a huge passion for reading. Now she doesn’t need to be pushed around anymore. She now reads story book series confidently and accurately. Thanks a lot Sarah.”

Amanda S

“If you’re looking for an incredible reading program to help your child start on the right path, look no further than this one with the boldest reading guarantee. It’s a genuine program that uses a step-by-step lesson plan to help your child learn and grow their language skills. Even better, this program is enjoyable, so your child will be excited to participate and learn. The only downside is that this program is not free, but it’s well worth the money.”

Jacob D

“I was looking for a fun and interactive way to help my child start learning to read, and Sarah Shepard’s English Language program is the perfect solution! This digital program uses a positive approach to make the learning process enjoyable for kids of all ages and helps them get ahead in their reading skills. I couldn’t believe how much my daughter improved in such a short time!”

Barbara E

“This is the perfect program for your family. It provides a fun and engaging learning experience that helps children learn to read quickly and easily. The program is designed to boost your child’s confidence and give them a jump start on their education.”

Mark T

“As a concerned parent, I was hesitant to enroll my child in a reading head start program. However, after researching and reading the reviews, I was convinced this was the best decision for my son. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to enroll your child, I highly recommend giving it a try!”

Dr. Abby P

The above clients have gotten satisfactory results and more than a million others have successfully used the system.

Sarah has also used the system with her son and daughter. There’s a big chance this will be the reading breakthrough you’ve been waiting for your child.

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About the Author – Sarah Shepard

Sarah Shepard is a mother of three and has been an English teacher for 14 years. Her son’s poor English grade pushed her to question her parenting style. She felt embarrassed since she was an English teacher. This motivated her to explore ways to address her son’s struggle with English.

She came up with the Reading Head Start system, which surprisingly worked on her 6-year-old son as well as her 2-year-old daughter. Her son was at the top of his English class after using the program. She went ahead to share her reading program with other parents whose children were having reading difficulties.

In her program, she uses her motherly approach and her teaching expertise that promises to transform your child into a great reader. She aims to share the system with as many children and parents as possible. She doesn’t doubt her claims and she is so confident about the exceptional results you’re bound to get from this reading system.

What Techniques Are Used Inside the Head Start Program?

The Reading Head Start program has 200 lessons divided into 4 levels, each 10 weeks long. These levels are all tailored to increase your child’s interest in reading and enable him or her to read and understand words.

So, you don’t have to worry about your child getting bored or losing interest in reading since each new lesson comes with fun and non-repetitive activities. The following are included in all the lessons:

  • Lesson plans – a guide on the steps to be followed after each activity. Every lesson is designed according to the grade level of your child and is accompanied by a ton of fun activities. This engages your child well. You can easily access the next and previous lesson plans without leaving the lesson plan page. Tools required for each activity can be checked in the resource area.
  • Reading videos – they are read-along videos to help your child learn to read in a fun way.
  • Exercises – these exercises are related to the content covered in each topic. They are questions having words and letters your child has learned in each lesson and the new words they have to decode. They challenge kids to remember what they’ve learned.
  • Interactive games – your child can play word games of matching letter to letter sounds and identifying words. These help them remember words and the words stick in their mind.
  • Enjoyable workbooks – there is a library of colorful attractive books that can be selected based on the grade level of your child.
  • Short passages – your child will learn to progress from reading short words to reading passages that use the words they’ve learned. They will also be able to recognize new words easily.

The members’ area is easy to navigate and you can check out all tools required for every activity easily. The platform is interactive as you can communicate with other members about the lessons and pose questions. 

Additional materials used in the Reading Head Start to support each lesson include:

  • Letter cards, picture cards, and printable flashcards – these show pictures and written letters. They are handy in learning alphabet sounds, letter-sound combinations, and vocabulary practice. They are so appealing to children by being colorful. They enhance critical thinking too. These are all downloadable in various sizes.
  • Letter formation – through this guide, kids learn how uppercase and lowercase letters are formed and learn to perceive letters quickly when they encounter them.
  • Activity log – with activity logs, you can ensure the concentration and productivity of your child and minimize time-wasting. In these forms, you can register the completed lessons and activities and assess the progress of your child.
  • Sound out cards -these are cards that enable your child to hear, identify, and manipulate sound in words. They can then learn to decode new words by sounding them out. These cards are also downloadable.
  • Irregular word cards – these are printable index cards that are used in teaching irregular word activities.
  • Advanced phonic cards – these printable cards are used to teach the connection between sounds and individual letters and a group of letters. Your child gets to learn that even though there are 26 letters there are 44 unique sounds called phonemes. They contain double-letter words, silent letter words, compound words, and contractions.

All these activities match the individual child’s reading abilities. These tools make words stick in a child’s brain. This is a good assurance that your child will be in for the most fascinating 40 weeks of his or her life, and the end result will make you a proud parent. 

Your child will be awarded a Reading Head Start certificate of completion upon completion of each level. This will boost his or her confidence and will be motivated to advance to the following levels.

The following free bonuses complement the system:

Bonus #1: Incredible Reading Shortcuts guide ($47)

Getting your child to read better doesn’t have to be a long and arduous journey. That’s why Sarah Shepard gives effective, straightforward ways to help improve your child’s understanding of words and memory retention. This guide further enables your child to grasp difficult words easily.

Bonus #2: “Fun with Words” books series ($67)

With every book, your child gets quickly interested in reading. Your child discovers new words after completing each book, therefore widening their knowledge. They yearn for more books.

Bonus #3: MyHeadStart members’ area ($197)

Once you log in to the MyHeadStart members’ area, you give your child instant unlimited access to MyHeadStart. This is an online platform with award-winning reading games developed by leading academics.

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These with a variety of other activities give a better reading experience and help to quash boredom. All the games can only be played online. Therefore, no disks or downloading.

They can be played on mac or windows. Brief reading videos that are captivating will keep your child asking for more.

Reading Head Start Review Sarah Shepard

With all these, you can be assured your child will not only have a lot of fun but also gain a ton of knowledge. Reading games, videos, and worksheets are added constantly to ensure the program is interesting and up-to-date.

Your child starts with the basics and later advances to reading complex textbooks easily after understanding earlier levels well. Go at your own comfortable pace, while the videos guide the both of you on how to navigate all the way.

Sarah Shepard’s method uses a unique approach. She recommends breaking up the letter of each word and then teaching the sounds of each letter that compose the word instead of reading the word as a whole.

She explains that your child won’t get this approach from school since the current curriculum still uses the old-fashioned method of sight words. This makes kids learn words as a whole. Children get confused when they encounter two different word shapes that look similar. This method forces children to memorize words and shapes rather than understand the words.

She challenges the way schools teach English today – a system not bound to change anytime soon. This current method used by the education system is contributing to increased illiteracy rates. The following proven facts might challenge you to consider trying out an effective reading system, like Sarah’s:

  • A study done by the U.S. Department of Education shows that, if your child does not meet the average literacy standard by the end of grade one, they are 88% more likely to keep falling behind up to fourth grade.
  • According to researchers from Yale University, 75% of children who reach the third grade with poor literacy become illiterate until their very last year of high school and even for their entire life.
  • Research has shown that there’s a high school dropout rate as high as 66% in the USA alone.
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 1 in 3 children starts kindergarten without the skills necessary to begin learning.

You can stop your child from being illiterate by giving him more than the education system can.

This flaw in the school system and her son’s failure pushed Sarah to create a different way to teach English. She also studied how babies naturally learn to speak by just listening to words and concluded that children can learn to read by listening to letters too.

Sarah has made the tough task of learning to read quite easily for any child at any age. These techniques are probably different from any other you’ve ever encountered, and now you can’t wait to get started.

Pricing – Expensive or Cheap?

The complete Reading Head Start program costs only $597, but at the time of writing this article, it has been discounted for a limited period.

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The program has three payment plans, all discounted and inclusive of one full-year moneyback guarantee.

Three-day free trial ($1)

  • You can cancel any time, but after the three days trial period, you will be charged $37 monthly if you fail to cancel.
  • It gives you access to complete Reading Head Start and bonuses.

One-year plan ($297)

  • You get a $100 discount.
  • It’s a single one-time payment.
  • It saves $147 over the monthly plan.

Lifetime plan ($597)

  • You get a $200 discount.
  • Gives you lifetime access to the members’ area.
  • You get unlimited updates.

Refund Policy – Can I get my money back?

You are assured of a full 365-day money-back guarantee if:

  • The program is not as fulfilling as you expected.
  • You don’t get everything promised in the course.
  • Your child’s reading skills don’t improve significantly after finishing the program.

For a full refund, simply email and get all the money invested stress-free with no questions asked.

  1. It’s an accommodating system

Reading Head Start can be used by children of any age, even if they have zero reading experience or lack of interest in reading completely. The course can work for your child, no matter how young you think they are. It also involves the parents and enables them to be their child’s favorite teacher. Any number of children in a household can use the system.

  1. It’s easy to navigate

Logging in is easy with instructions to direct you on steps to follow and how to use the system effectively. Even without prior computer experience, Reading Head Start is simple to use for you and your child. You can easily access lessons, activities, workbooks, games, and videos by just logging into the MyHeadStart member section.

  1. Makes reading fun

The system uses interactive games and videos so every child enjoys learning to read. There are plenty of learning materials to keep them busy. This makes it easy for you as a parent since it will instill self-drive in your child.

  1. It’s been proven to work

Sarah Shepard has used this method on her 6-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter. Her son’s English performance went up unbelievably fast. The program was created by the educator with knowledge of what is missing in the education system’s curriculum. Sarah’s satisfied clients have also sent feedback in video and text on how this program has miraculously ensured their kids’ reading success within a very short time.

  1. You get unlimited updates

You can stay up-to-date with all the recent developments and improvements in the program after the purchase of the lifetime plan.

  1. It’s a flexible system

It can be used anywhere, anytime, even while running errands. It can be accessed on a tablet, computer, or smartphone.

  1. It’s a secure and safe site

Reading Head Start system uses the strongest encryption from the world’s most trusted security companies. Therefore, your personal and credit card details are guaranteed to be secure and encrypted.

  1. Constant email support

You may raise any concerns you have about the program via email at any time.

  1. It guarantees a full refund

All credit card transactions and refunds are handled by a secure third party. You get a refund the same day automatically, with no difficulties.

  1. It is an online program

It requires you to have a reliable internet connection to take full advantage of all the materials. The contents of this program cannot be printed out.

  1. It is quite demanding

It requires time and patience to start seeing good results. You must be fully dedicated if you expect to reap the best from this system. It requires a parent’s presence. This system is not for you if you are lazy or too busy to care about your child’s progress.

  1. Time Commitment

While the program is designed to be efficient with short daily sessions, the necessity for parents to commit to a consistent, dedicated time commitment might be challenging. Busy schedules, work commitments, and the demands of managing multiple children or responsibilities can make it difficult for some families to engage with the program consistently.

Comparison with other programs

Reading Head Start vs Hooked on Phonics

One of the features that sets Reading Head Start apart from most other reading programs is that it focuses on phonemic awareness. This means that it helps children build stronger connections between sounds and letters before finally getting into how words are put together.

Hooked on Phonics takes a different approach, as its main focus is building an interest in reading and figuring out what we have to do to accomplish this daunting task.

Reading Head Start is designed for children ages 3-8, while Hooked on Phonics is designed for children ages 4-8.

These two systems, though both geared toward helping new readers learn all about the fundamentals of reading, are distinct enough to be able to cater to students who may have specific needs or preferences.

Reading Head Start vs Children Learning Reading

There are many different approaches to learning how to read, but it’s important to understand them to not get overwhelmed by them. Let’s take a closer look at these two programs that claim to introduce children to reading so we can have a better idea of how they work and which one is the best choice for you.

Reading Head Start is an exciting and fun way to get kids excited about reading. The program uses a multi-sensory approach: sight, sound, and most importantly touch to engage children in the activity. The program also uses many hands-on games and activities to give children the enjoyment of having fun with reading.

The Children Learning Reading program is designed around the understanding of phonics, which teaches children how to speak and sound out every letter used in a given word. These repeated lessons will help them remember these concepts for a longer period. The program aims to arm teachers with the tools they need to teach kids how to read fluently.

Verdict – Is the program worth it?

NameReading Head Start
AuthorSarah Shepard
Rating Star5
Best forKids
BonusesIncredible Reading Shortcuts guide ($47)
“Fun with Words” books series ($67)
MyHeadStart members’ area ($197)
Pricing$1, $297, $597
Moneyback Guarantee✔️
LoginClick here

Many educational programs promise for you to help jump-start your child’s reading skills. But let’s be honest, there are times when you’re getting scammed. I hope our Reading Head Start Review has answered all your questions and uncovered all the myths about it.

The experience of thousands of clients and education professionals worldwide, who have seen positive results from Sarah Shepard’s Reading Head Start program confirms that her method for teaching reading skills is certainly effective and worth giving a try.

I guess there are never enough books. - John Steinbeck
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What’s not to love about this system? It is different from all the programs out there. Your child is guaranteed to earn a great deal of knowledge while having fun at the same time.

With all the easy-to-learn videos, games, exercises, and workbooks, your child will delight in this unique learning process.

This program is not asking much from you. Just spare 15 minutes of your time 3 nights a week. The bonding you get with your child from this program is priceless. Even if work is tolling on you during the day and you barely have time or energy to check on your child’s progress, you still get this quality nighttime.

This system is not for parents who prefer sitting their children down all alone in front of a screen. It’s not for impatient and lazy parents too. But if you love your child and want to give them the best, Reading Head Start promises to help you effectively achieve this goal.

This system may not be perfect, but from the parent testimonials, it’s obvious it offers the highest quality of teaching. It was developed by a mother and a trained educator who’s experienced firsthand the pain of a child failing in school.

Give your child more than any education system ever will. Get a chance to teach your child and know their strengths and weaknesses. Take charge of every aspect of your child’s life. Prevent your child from dropping out of school due to poor literacy skills. Discover possible underlying reading disabilities.

All these will only be possible if you’re willing to take a step and invest in an effective reading program like Sarah’s. Other programs might not offer you what it guarantees. With a reading system this interactive and enjoyable, you can’t imagine the enthusiasm it could instill in your child. It will expand their mind.

Now you can make an informed decision and get started.

Please share your thoughts about reading head start review in the comments below.

Reading Head Start Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Is Head Start Reading?

    Head Start reading is any reading done at an early age meant to teach children to read from a logical angle. Many programs are helping with Head Start reading. Each of them employs different strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the programs.

    However, not all systems work best. The best systems are those which address all reading challenges and disabilities and use creative delivery methods. The program ensures that your child develops their reading skills habit since childhood

  2. When Should a Child Start Head Start?

    Any child can begin Head Start even as young as one-year-old. Children of any age can use Head Start. Most researchers believe that by age 3, a child should have good literacy skills. A child can start head start even if they don’t know the alphabet.

  3. What Is the Point of Head Start?

    Head Start is very crucial in improving children’s reading skills. It is an undisputed fact that teaching your child to read early goes a long way to help them do well in school. It determines their future overall success.

    Poor reading skills are detrimental to any child’s self-esteem. It can damage their confidence and all-around well-being. Most researchers have also argued that poor skill in reading contributes to illiteracy for the entire life of a person.

    These have led to increased crime rates. That is why getting your child to know how to read earlier is important. It will prevent them from dropping out of school and remaining illiterate.

    Head Start is the best way to ensure your kid learns to read and understand words. It also ensures these words stick in their minds and develop your child’s vocabulary.

    It enhances language development, intelligence, and communication skills. Head Start can help reveal underlying issues like dyslexia early enough to be addressed.

  4. How Can I Teach My Child to Read?

    Teaching your child to read is not an easy task. It is very demanding. To teach your child to read, you must use techniques that will not make your child lose interest in reading.

    You can try using the methods used by Sarah Shepard in her Reading Head Start program. These include word games, flashcards, workbooks, and reading videos. This is highly recommended. It prevents you from using outdated reading methods.

    You can also explore other creative ways like songs and rhymes. It is very advisable to sit down with your child instead of leaving them to read on their own.

  5. Who created Reading Head Start?

    Sarah Shepard has developed an amazing program that facilitates the development of children’s reading skills, both on a phonemic level as well as on the higher conceptual levels to make that learning process more enjoyable. It helps them not just become fluent readers but also excel in school and life. It’s not an English language course; it’s a series of interactive games that encourage kids to read, but not just any kind of book: interactive readers!

  6. Who is Sarah Shepard?

    Sarah Shepard has always had a love for reading and learning new things, which is why she became an English teacher. Although she specializes in teaching young kids about the English language, Sarah also has a knack for educating her children as well.

    She came up with this system which focuses on getting small children to fall in love with reading books by allowing them to listen to both educational stories over headphones along with classic masterpieces. The weird thing is that her 6-year-old son seemed to be all in favor of the Reading Head Start system while her 2-year-old daughter was as well.

  7. Do they provide a free reading head start login?

    No, but they provide a $1 trial which is as good as reading head start free download. You can start the trial by clicking here.

  8. Where Can You Buy Reading Head Start From?

    To receive the genuine program, access to the member’s area, and all bonuses, you should only buy from the official website.

  9. Who should buy the program?

    This is for parents who wish to help their children read early and support them in their learning journey. It can also be the perfect gift for such parents. Parents can learn the method of teaching reading through a positive approach which will help their kids in linguistic development, and enhance social interactions.

  10. How Much Does Reading Head Start Cost?

    It has a $1 trial plan, a $37 monthly plan, a $297 yearly plan, and $ 597 lifetime plan. After the trial, 70% of parents opt for the $297 plan as it saves a lot. For those who have babies planned for the future go for the lifetime plan as it offers unlimited updates. You can start the trial from the official site here.

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About Amy T. Smith

Amy is the co-founder of AmyandRose and has been sharing her expertise on parenting, health, and lifestyle for several years. Based in Portland, she is a mother to two children—a teenager and a five-year-old—and has a Master's degree in Journalism from Columbia University.

Amy's writing offers practical advice and relatable stories to support parents through every stage, from pregnancy to the teenage years.

51 thoughts on “Reading Head Start Review”

  1. I encourage everyone to read this book. It is incredible because it helps you find the right program for your child. The Reading Head Start program was a perfect fit for my son who struggled with reading.

  2. I learned that there are various types inefficiencies when I tried other programs like Reading Head Start. It is a good program and I recommend it to anyone who has children.

  3. My daughter was behind in her reading skills, but after using Reading Head Start she is now caught up with her classmates and doing great!

  4. This program has helped my son so much, and I can already see him retaining the information better than with other methods we’ve tried.

  5. I was so worried about my daughter’s reading skills, but Reading Head Start helped her to catch up quickly and now she loves to read!

  6. This program is truly amazing! After just a few weeks of using Reading Head Start, my son’s reading improved so much that his teacher asked me what we were doing at home to help him. I’m so glad I found this program!

  7. I highly recommend the program to any parent who wants to give their child a head start in reading or help them catch up if they are struggling.

  8. I love this program! My son was behind in reading, and this has helped him catch up quickly. The games and videos make learning fun for him, and he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it!

  9. I was a little hesitant to try another reading program, but Reading Head Start has been such a lifesaver! My son was struggling so much with reading, and after just a few weeks of using the program, he is finally starting to catch up. Thank you so much for creating this program!

  10. I am very pleased with this program. My daughter loves it and is learning so much. She is ahead of her classmates in reading now, and I credit Reading Head Start for giving her the extra help she needed.

  11. My son is in the Head Start program at our local elementary school. He just turned 4 years old this summer and has been in the program since he was 3. We love it! The teachers are amazing and they have helped him to grow and learn so much. He is now reading and doing simple math, and his social skills have improved so much. I am so grateful for this program and would highly recommend it.

  12. I am so impressed with how much my son’s reading has improved since we started using Reading Head Start. Thank you for helping him to succeed!

  13. The learning styles and reading methods presented in the Reading Head Start program are very effective. This is a parent friendly course that helps develop language vocabulary skills in children. I was earlier on the monthly subscription plan but soon upgraded to receive life time access.

  14. I am so impressed with how well my son is doing since he started Reading Head Start! He has always loved books, but now he is actually reading them on his own and enjoying them so much. His confidence has grown so much, and I am so proud of him.

  15. My son was having a hard time keeping up with his reading class, but after using Reading Head Start at home he was able to improve his reading level and score higher on his tests.

  16. I am amazed at how much my daughter has improved in just a few short weeks. Reading Head Start has made a difference in her reading ability and confidence.

  17. I started using Reading Head Start with my son when he was 4 years old. He is now 6 and reading at a 3rd-grade level. I cannot say enough good things about this program! It is well worth the investment.

  18. I have been using Reading Head Start with my daughter for a little over a month now, and I have seen huge improvements in her confidence and ability to read. She is so much more interested in reading now, and she can read most of the words in the books we are reading together. Thank you so much for this program!

  19. As a teacher and a parent, I found Reading Head Start to be a valuable resource. It’s designed well to teach your child how to read, with clear benefits in literacy from an early age. The program promises to prevent and reverse dyslexia, which is a bold claim, but we’ve seen improvements in reading fluency. My critique is about wanting more varied materials to keep engagement high.

  20. My daughter has been using Reading Head Start for about two months now and she has shown so much progress! I am a first-time homeschooling mom and was very nervous about teaching my daughter to read, but this program has made it so easy. The step-by-step instructions are clear and concise, and my daughter loves the little songs that go along with each lesson. She is now reading at a first-grade level, and I couldn’t be more thrilled!

  21. I am so excited that my grandson is using Reading Head Start! I have seen such a difference in his confidence and attitude since he started the program. He is more outgoing and enjoys showing me what he has learned.

  22. I can’t believe the difference in my son’s reading ability since he started Reading Head Start. He is finally able to read at his grade level and is even starting to enjoy it!

  23. I was initially drawn to the Reading Head Start program because it seemed comprehensive. However, after further consideration, the price tag felt a bit steep for our family’s budget. I do understand that quality educational resources require investment, but it puts this program out of reach for us. I worry that there’s a potential for families to feel priced out of giving their children strong early reading foundations. It would be great to see if the company could offer a more basic or scaled-down version at a lower price point.

  24. My son has been in the Reading Head Start program for about two months now, and I have to say that we are extremely pleased with the results. Not only is he reading better and faster, but his confidence has grown by leaps and bounds. I don’t think there is any doubt that this program works. It is well organized, and the materials are top-notch. My son looks forward to his daily sessions, and I can see the progress he is making.

  25. I bought Reading Head Start for my grandson who is 5 years old. I was amazed at how much he progressed in his reading skills in just a few short weeks!

  26. While it is clear that this program is extremely beneficial for struggling readers. Many of the children who used to be behind are now reading at or above grade level. The program is very user-friendly and can be easily implemented into any classroom with little disruption. Head Start has truly made a difference in the lives of countless children and their families. This program is worth checking out if you have struggling readers in your class. It has the potential to change their lives for the better!

  27. I highly recommend this program to any parent who wants to give their child a head start in reading or help them catch up if they are struggling. It has helped my son so much, and I can already see him retaining the information better than with other methods we’ve tried.

  28. I am so impressed with Reading Head Start! My daughter went from being behind in reading to being one of the top readers in her class.

  29. I was excited about the Reading Head Start program for its claim to optimize neurological development and its focus on teaching children how to read effectively. The program provides a solid foundation for kids to start school. My child enjoys the interactive lessons, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in her reading skills. The only downside is the recurring cost, but with the cancel easily any time policy, it’s manageable. Plus, the unlimited access for life means we can revisit lessons anytime.

  30. I read this book with my 5-year-old son who is struggling with reading. I can honestly say that by following the methods in this book, he has made MASSIVE progress in a very short time. He is now reading at the school level and his confidence has grown so much. This book explains everything so well, it’s easy to follow and it works! I would highly recommend it to any parent who has a child struggling with reading. The course is segmented into manageable chunks with plenty of activities to consolidate learning. The method used works and I can’t recommend it enough!

  31. I would recommend this program to any parent who is looking for an affordable and effective way to teach their children to read.

  32. I have been using the Reading Head Start program with my students for a little over a month now, and I have to say that I am very impressed with the results! The program is very well-organized and easy to use, and my students have made tremendous progress in their reading skills. One of the things I like best about the program is the way it is structured. Each lesson builds on the previous one, so my students are constantly reviewing and reinforcing what they have learned. I also love the fact that there are built-in assessments at the end of each unit, so I can track my students’ progress and make sure they are mastering the material. Overall, I highly recommend the program.

  33. Reading Head Start offered us a promising start to teach our 4-year-old the joys of reading. The program is available online, which is great for access anywhere. The instant access to materials meant we could start right away, which was a huge plus. However, the program’s effectiveness in reversing dyslexia wasn’t as impactful for us.

  34. My wife and I decided to homeschool our son, Ethan, and we were looking for a reading program that would be effective and easy to use. We found the Reading Head Start program, and we’ve been very happy with it. The program is well-paced and comprehensive, and it covers all of the important reading skills. Ethan has made great progress in his reading since we started the program, and I’m confident that he will be well-prepared for first grade.

    One of the things I love most about the Reading Head Start program is that it is flexible. We can do the activities at our own pace, and we can skip or repeat activities as needed. The program is also very affordable, which is important for us as a homeschooling family. I highly recommend the Reading Head Start program to any parent who is looking for a great way to help their child learn to read.

  35. While I believe the Reading Head Start program has good intentions, it didn’t quite work out for my son, Alex. He’s a very active child with a short attention span, and I found it nearly impossible to keep him focused on the lessons. The 15-minute sessions often stretched into 30-minute battles where we both ended up frustrated. While he enjoyed some of the songs, the overall format felt too structured and repetitive for him. We didn’t make it far into the program, and I think a more play-based approach might suit him better at this stage.

  36. Reading Head Start has been a game-changer for my son, who was about to start school and showed no interest in reading. The program made it fun for my child to learn, and now he loves reading on his own. The benefits of reading have been evident in his improved vocabulary and comprehension. The program’s claim to optimize neurological development seems to hold true in our experience. The downside is the monthly subscription, but it’s worth it for the progress we’ve seen. Plus, you can cancel easily any time.

  37. My daughter, Chloe, has always been a little behind in her reading development, and I was starting to get worried. I tried a few different reading programs, but she didn’t seem to like any of them. They were either too boring or too difficult. Then I found the Reading Head Start program, and she was hooked from the start! She loves the colorful characters, the catchy songs, and the interactive games.

    The Reading Head Start program is more than just a reading program; it’s a fun and engaging learning experience. Chloe loves to sing along to the songs, and she laughs out loud at the silly characters. The games are challenging but not too difficult, and they help her to learn new words and sounds in a fun and rewarding way. I have seen a big difference in Chloe’s reading skills since we started the program. She is now reading more fluently and confidently, and she is starting to love to read!

  38. I wanted to find a way to help my grandson, Aiden, get excited about reading before he started school. I found the Reading Head Start program, and I thought it would be a perfect fit. Aiden loves the program! He loves the colorful characters, the silly songs, and the interactive games.

    The Reading Head Start program is more than just a reading program; it’s a fun and engaging way to prepare children for school. The program teaches children important skills such as letter recognition, phonics, and phonemic awareness. It also helps to develop important cognitive skills such as focus, concentration, and memory.

  39. I was hopeful that Reading Head Start would be a good resource for my daughter, Sarah, who has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia. Unfortunately, I found the pace of the program moved too quickly for her, and it didn’t fully address the specific challenges she faces. While some of the multi-sensory aspects were helpful, she became overwhelmed by the volume of information. I think the program could benefit from having a modification track or supplemental materials better suited for kids with learning differences.

  40. As a single dad, I was looking for a program to help me teach my daughter how to read, and Reading Head Start seemed promising with its unlimited access for life. The structured lessons provided us a way to spend quality time together, focusing on words and reading. However, the program’s interface could be more user-friendly for tech-challenged parents. Despite this, the benefits outweigh the cons, and I appreciate the option to cancel anytime, though we’ve had no need to.

  41. I was drawn to Reading Head Start because of its focus on preventing and reversing dyslexia. Having a child with dyslexia, I’ve tried numerous programs with little success. This program, however, has shown real progress in how my child reads words. The individual results may vary disclaimer is accurate, as progress was slow at first but then significantly improved. The day money back guarantee offers peace of mind, but the true value is in the content and approach. It’s been an invaluable tool for us.

  42. I’ve been using the Reading Head Start program in my kindergarten classroom for a few years now, and I’ve been so impressed with the results. The program is a great way to supplement my reading instruction, and it helps to keep my students engaged and motivated. The activities are fun and effective, and the program is easy to implement.

    One of the things I love most about the Reading Head Start program is that it can be adapted to meet the needs of all of my students. The program provides a variety of activities at different levels, so I can challenge my more advanced students and provide extra support for my students who are struggling. I have seen significant improvements in the reading skills of all of my students since we started using the program. They are now more confident readers, and they are excited to learn new things.

  43. I was skeptical about Reading Head Start, but the day money back guarantee convinced me to start my trial. My 6-year-old struggled with words and reading, but this program has made a noticeable difference. We’ve even seen improvements that could be seen as reversed dyslexia symptoms, which is more than I hoped for. The program is available online, providing unlimited access for life, which is fantastic. However, the content can feel repetitive over time, and I wish there were more advanced options as children progress. Still, it’s a valuable learning program.

  44. After enrolling my 5-year-old in the Reading Head Start program, I’ve seen remarkable progress in how she reads words and her overall interest in reading. The program’s structured approach really benefits children, making it easier for them to start school with confidence. However, I found the platform a bit challenging to navigate at first, but with instant access, we quickly got the hang of it. The promise to prevent and reverse dyslexia caught my attention, and while my child doesn’t have dyslexia, I appreciate the inclusivity. My only critique is wishing for more personalized content, but as the disclaimer states, individual results may vary. Overall, it’s a great start to teach your child how to read.

  45. I was a little hesitant to try the Reading Head Start program at first, because I wasn’t sure if my son, Liam, would be able to focus for 15 minutes a day, three days a week. But I was so surprised at how much he loved it! He would always ask to do his “reading lessons,” and he would get so excited when he learned a new sound or word. I remember one time, Liam was struggling to sound out the word “cat.” But with the help of the Reading Head Start program’s fun and interactive activities, he was able to finally sound it out correctly. He was so proud of himself, and I was so proud of him too!

    The Reading Head Start program is very well-organized and easy to follow, and the activities are fun and engaging. Liam loves the games, songs, and stories, and I love that they are all designed to help him learn to read. The program has also helped Liam develop other important skills, such as focus, concentration, and memory. I am so grateful that we found the Reading Head Start program. It has made a big difference in Liam’s life!

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