Table of Contents
Share your Parenting Wisdom: Write for Us
Send an email with your proposal to [email protected]. Reading the below Eligibility Criteria is recommended before sending an email.
Guest posting is always appreciated. This is an opportunity to get in front of an audience of over 20 thousand. Please share your take with us on topics that fall under these categories.
- Parenting
- Pregnancy
- Family
- Mom
- Bags
- Life
- Children Education
- Newborns
- Teens
- Toddlers
- Family holidays and weekends
- Nursing
How to get your post published on AmyandRose?
If you have experience in the above-listed categories, you are welcome to share your thoughts with us and get an opportunity to write for us.
We also welcome Freelance Writers Who have had experience in the subject area and are willing to contribute vital information to trending topics on parenting.
Eligibility Criteria for guest posting
- Posts must be original
- 800+ words
- No grammatical mistakes
- Can include 3-4 images
- Do include a headline, image credit, and link to resources
- May include 1 Do-follow link to your blog/website/work
- Posts about 2000 words can have 2 Do-follow links

Thank you for indicating interest in working with AmyandRose. We are constantly seeking avenues to satisfy our readers and fan base. We are always looking for ways to add to our family. We’d love to have you come on board.
- Posts must be original
All content must be original and must not have been published elsewhere. Please acknowledge the author if you have a story to share that isn’t yours or has been posted elsewhere.
Guest posts must not include content that has been previously published somewhere else. Please include links to the resources used.
Also, proofread your articles before sending them in. Deadlines should be strictly adhered to. Submit your articles as and when due.
You’ll be informed when your post is accepted and also if it will be published. We will post the article link to our social media and website.
You may also include images in your articles to further bolster your thoughts. You may not attach affiliate links that are advertorial. We will give writing prompts to fuel your creativity.
- 800+ words
All posts must be a minimum of 800 words of quality content. Anything less than the word count will be rejected. This is so that that ties in with other published content on the site.
However, posts with fillers and fluff added to meet the word limit will be equally rejected. We want to hear your unique voice.
- No grammatical mistakes
We know that you are in a hurry to submit your content, but please take a breath and have a second look at your work. All articles will be edited to fit the style and tone of the website.
However, articles that require a lot of editing or grammatical errors will be rejected. Please only submit articles free of grammar errors to hasten the publishing time.
- Can include 3-4 images
You can include 3 to 4 images to further bolster your point. A minimum of 3 pictures will be accepted.
These images must be personal pictures or copyright-free. They should also be clear, high-resolution pictures and fit the site’s standard.
- Do include a headline, image credit, and link to resources
We pride ourselves on the readability of articles on our site and will like you to keep up with that tradition. To improve readability, include a headline and write short sentences and paragraphs.
Also, you can include links to high-authority websites to back up your claims. Our readers trust us, and we try to give out only factual information.

- May include 1 Do-follow link to your website/work
This is an excellent opportunity to reach more readers if you have a website. You can add a link to your blog or website on related topics. The topic must not be advertorial or commercial.
- Posts about 2000 words can have 2 Do-follow links
For articles above 2000 words, you can include 2 do-follow links.
To indicate your interest in writing for us, fill out the contact form or send us an email with the subject “Guest Posting,” and we will contact you with further details.
When submitting an article, post your bio at the end of your article. Only serious bloggers should contact us. Please email us at [email protected] or fill out the form at the end of this post.
Contributor Guidelines
- All guest posts must be original and personal experiences of the freelance mom. Our readers are new moms with newborns trying to get used to their new roles in life.
Organizing as a mom may be quite stressful, and Chores, such as doing the dirty dishes, can seem to go on and on and easily encroach on quality family time. This is so that Weekends and holidays can be spent bonding. - When you share posts you think will be useful to our readers, please acknowledge and include the link to the source. We do not want to give credit to you for a job that isn’t yours.
- We will like you to include links to statistics and studies. This is to give credibility to your work and our site.
- To increase readability, please use subheadings. Also, make all sentences and paragraphs short. All sentences should not exceed two lines, and paragraphs should not exceed 200 words. You can make strong points bold, italicized, or underlined for emphasis.
- Be civil and compassionate to other readers. The site will be unpleasant for all readers when certain people are condescending or disrespectful.
This also means being understanding and empathetic when other readers share their stories. - Stick to the discussed topic and ensure your opinion adds value to the discussion. Follow all conversations and input your opinions appropriately.
- Be yourself. Our aim at Amyandrose is to help our readers with valuable information. We appeal to you to represent yourself as you are. We do not want to mislead our readers in any way.
This means telling your story as factually as possible and using your headshot as your profile picture on your author bio. - Try to have fun. Raising a child is a tedious task, and we want our site to be a place of comfort for all parents. We, therefore, encourage all our readers and contributors to try to have fun as much as possible.
- Libel and abusive content will not be tolerated. If you are found wanting, you will instantly be removed from the platform. This ensures the site stays true to its purpose and remains a source of comfort and solace.
All racist, harmful, offensive, violent, sexist, vulgar, and violent comments will be considered in contravention of the house rules. - All members are advised to desist from the following
- Making misleading, defamatory, or false comments.
- Abusive, threatening, or insulting comments
- Comments deemed homophobic, offensive, discriminatory, or racist to anyone, group, ethnic group, race, or religion.
- Be civil in your engagements. Avoid all personal attacks, bullying, violence, and any form of harassment.
Also, avoid racial slurs, hate speech, obscenities, stereotyping, and all sorts of insensitive and offensive language. - Do not post technical topics. Avoid all forms of research and technical posts unrelated to parenting, childcare, or family.
- Do not promote or sell stuff on the site. The do-follow links should not be advertorial or commercial. All promotional content will be instantly removed, and posters will be sanctioned.
- Do not divulge personal information on the site. Keep all personal details private.
Guest Blogging Topics – What to write in an article?
AmyandRose invites guest posts on the following topics:
Have you got practical and actionable tips to offer on parenting topics?
Do you have blog post ideas about child-rearing? Would you like to share your thoughts with us? We would love to publish them!
Don’t forget to check 400+ Parenting Blog Post Ideas for inspiration.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin
Although parenting may be quite burdensome, it can be very fulfilling. We welcome collaborators and experienced writers to pitch their ideas and submit guest posts. You can help debunk the myths about parenting.

We cover various topics geared towards parenting, from pregnancy to carrying babies and toddlers.
Many women have trouble getting pregnant. We welcome topics on ovulation calculators, pregnancy tests, and pregnancy week-by-week updates.
How about dealing with your extended family for the rookie mom?
Or tips on how to look good for and to focus on her family, those imperfectly perfect mamas?
The working mom has to be able to balance her career and manage the home front.
Being a mom never truly stops. It’s a lifelong journey. Becoming a mom typically comes with a lot of lifestyle changes.
As a guest blogger, how do you think moms should handle this?
What lifestyle can moms adopt?
How to include kid activities without hurting the family finances?
What are the top single mom self-care tips?
How can mamas make money blogging, choosing a domain name for their blog, and submitting entries to magazines that pay?
Positive parenting tips and action plans
Before pitching your ideas, remember that they should focus on the family audience.
During pregnancy, many changes happen in a woman’s body; especially for new moms, there are a lot of questions to be asked.
During the first 12 weeks or three months, often referred to as the 1st trimester, a woman is likely to suffer from morning sickness, recurrent trips to pee, headaches, cramps, fatigue, spotting, loss of appetite, and frequently sleeping, among other things.
Your guest post is intended to help allay the fears of these women. As a parent blogger, you may include money-saving tips for new moms.

Some women get hospitalized during the first months of pregnancy and will be unable to keep food down.
You can offer useful tips on the nutritional requirements of the new mom during these tumultuous months.
This is also when miscarriages are more likely to happen, and moms need every piece of advice at this time on the right things to do. Moms to be will also need advice on safe pregnancy exercises.
Many of these symptoms will have reduced or stopped entirely during the 2nd trimester, from week thirteen to the twenty-seventh week.
Now the moms-to-be will begin to feel a renewed surge of energy and an increase in appetite. The stomach is a bit more conspicuous, and they may start to crave junk.
At this time, stretch marks will begin to appear on the breast and stomach of the woman, and she begins to put on weight. This can be quite disconcerting for the mom-to-be.
This is the time to prepare for the arrival of a newborn.
During the 2nd trimester, a scan can tell the sex of the baby, and the woman can feel the movement and kicks of the fetus. The fetus also develops a sleep pattern that may not be in sync with the mother.
From your experience, you can guide expectant mothers on how best to prepare for a newborn, from getting a baby crib and clothes to planning a maternity leave at work.
On nights when the woman cannot sleep owing to the fetus’s activity, you can suggest things to do during these long nights.
The expectant mother can read books on motherhood and stories to the fetus, whose sense of hearing is developed.
This is also the time to ditch pre-pregnancy clothes, and moms-to-be will find your opinions invaluable.
You can, through your articles, give tips on picking loose yet stylish dresses so the woman doesn’t lose herself or her sense of style.
This is also the time to wear comfortable shoes; your guide will be most valuable. On the plus side, the fetus can survive with the right medical care if born prematurely from the 24th week.
This bit of information a mom-to-be will find reassuring.
At 28 weeks and above, the pregnancy advances to its 3rd trimester. Expectedly the stomach becomes much more protruded, and your expected day of delivery is getting closer by the day.
Kicks and movements are more intense now, and your guest post will help soothe the aching bodies of moms-to-be. They’ll need true stories about giving birth and child development.
Pregnant moms need experienced guest authors on this subject to remind them of the items required when expecting a baby. Regular visits to the doctor are a must now as the baby’s coming draws closer.
Other women are typically worried when pregnant, particularly with first pregnancies. Pregnancy comes with a lot of challenges for the expecting mother. She asks questions such as,
- How do I prepare for the pregnancy?
- Will I have a miscarriage?
- Can I carry my baby to term?
- Will my baby have a congenital disability?
- Will a particular kind of food be bad for my unborn child?
- What if I don’t lactate enough?
- How will my baby be nourished?
- What if I go into labor too early?
- What should I experience during pregnancy?
- How do I handle the changes to my body, physically and emotionally?
- Am I going to be a good mom?
- What items should I include in my baby registry?
- What should I watch out for in my first, second, and third trimesters?
- What should I expect from gender predictors?
- What kind of exercise is good for me while pregnant?
These are some of the questions moms-to-be find themselves asking.
Some women also struggle with issues of infertility. They are afraid of never being able to get pregnant, maybe because they are single, advanced in age, or have some other medical difficulties.
- Do you have any tips to offer, such as an ovulation calculator?
- What kind of diet should pregnant women be on?
- What type of food and drinks are to be avoided?
As the day draws closer to the delivery date, it may be beneficial to have a due date calculator handy. Have you got any super helpful tips to share?
Staying active is always good, but it’s extra important when you’re pregnant. Exercise is great, but it doesn’t always mean a perfect birth.
Caring for a newborn
The news of the arrival of a baby is usually greeted with much joy and excitement.
Nurturing and mothering newborns may be overwhelming so much that it sometimes leads to postpartum depression.
The baby will require different things for each stage of its development.
Parents and moms may have inquiries about its development, growth, breastfeeding, and formula feeding, and be willing to seek the help of a toddler sleep consultant.
This will often result in a few trips to the pediatrician’s office. Moms may have some questions about the color of their baby’s poop. How can you calm these moms down?
Babies usually have different needs. There’s no single universal way to take care of babies. Babies will cry to express feelings of hunger, hurt, stomach aches, and pains.
- How will moms be able to distinguish each cry and know what the baby needs?
- What baby products are tested and trusted?
- How effective are baby monitors when you’re not around your child?
- “My baby is so tiny and fragile; will I not drop it? How do I know if I’ve fed my baby enough?”
These are a few of the questions moms need answers to.
- How about sleep patterns?
- Babies may sometimes have trouble sleeping and may have irregular sleep patterns that will be a source of torment for parents.
- What are the triggers for these erratic sleep patterns?
- Do parents need to consult sleep consultants?
- Will these sleep patterns self-resolve?
- How can parents make their babies more comfortable?
- Often, when babies do not meet certain developmental milestones, parents become concerned. How do you think parents should handle this?
- At what stage would they need to see their doctor?
- Do you think they may be unnecessarily worried?
What are your thoughts about new moms?
Some moms are pretty judgy. They complain and criticize the decisions of more modern moms.
- What can these new moms do?
- How can these imperfectly perfect mamas handle this?
- Many moms experience postpartum depression. Have you ever gone through this?
- Do you have any observations or tips to share?
We’d love to hear from you. You could write about personal or other peoples’ experiences.
- What are your thoughts on breastfeeding?
- If needed, what is the correct way to breast pump?
- Do you think milk expressed through a breast pump will not be as fresh as the mom’s milk?
- Another question posed by moms is, ‘how soon after the birth of a child should I begin to consider having another?
- With the birth of another child, other issues may be berthed. Sibling rivalry is one such. How do you think parents can address it? What are the signs to watch out for? How can parents fruitfully resolve conflicts?
Raising kids
Raising kids can be pretty hectic. We want to hear from you. You could write about experiences with fine parenting you know or have heard about. We are trying to dispel the lies about parenting.
A rookie mom may be anxious and worried about not doing the right things or not doing enough.
Being a mom, especially a first-time mom can be quite terrifying. Caring for a baby may bring waves of emotions and feelings that could easily be overwhelming.

Potty training can also be a source of headaches. At what age should moms begin to potty train? How do moms know if their toddlers are ready to be potty trained?
Moms need to take care of themselves to feel their best. Organizing as a mom may be quite stressful. It’s quite easy to get lost in the whirlwind of activities in the home.
Energy levels seem to be quickly depleted. Sleep becomes a luxury, and eating intentional meals may be a far-off dream.
The stay-at-home mom may easily get carried away with focusing on her family and lose her sense of fashion. How do you think stay-at-home moms can work around this?
You can post ideas on how she can start making money and especially about making money online.
You can suggest sites that pay for child nurturing stories through affiliate marketing so they can make some extra income.
Guest blogging sites are willing to pay you to write parenting advice, baby care tips, organizing tips, suggestions for baby names and baby products, and family-friendly trending topics.
You may guest post about the personal stories or share your expertise on child-rearing tips or how family and child-rearing can change a mom’s life by opening paths to new income streams.
The working mom has to be able to balance her career and manage the home front. Some moms can work from home, be free to focus on their families, and do their job.
Being a mom is hard work! Most moms worry about finding the right balance between their job, their family, and finding a little time for themselves.
Being a mom never truly stops. It’s a lifelong journey. Becoming a mom typically comes with a lot of lifestyle changes.
How do you think moms should handle this?
Yummy mummies have it quite easier, snapping back to how their bodies were before pregnancy.
Unfortunately, this is the exception and not the norm for most women.
Moms are generally worried about their postpartum bodies. Scared that their bodies may never go back to how it was pre-pregnancy. What lifestyle can moms adopt? How can moms get through this?
Being a single mom can be downright depressing. Not with having to worry about the societal stigma. Single moms often fear they’ll never be enough for their child/children.
- They find themselves asking questions like, will I earn enough to be able to support us?
- Can I handle this responsibility?
- How do I approach the issue of shared custody in a case of divorce or separation?
- How do I thrive and survive with my child in a world without my partner?
Adoptive families go through socially awkward periods, particularly when a child has just been adopted. It is notably more challenging when an older child has been adopted.
This child may have likely undergone some form of emotional trauma or have been abused physically.
These children sometimes have striking facial features that are very different from their adoptive parents.
How do you best suggest adoptive parents handle these situations? Adopted babies will most likely be formula-fed.
Foster parents may feel like they would not be able to quickly bond with the babies. Some may even think that breastfed babies are generally smarter than formula-fed ones. How can you correct this notion?
Parents play an essential part in children’s education. From the time children are little, parents consciously and unconsciously impart some form of knowledge to them.
Children of the same parents may often require different teaching skills.
- How do parents’ versatility and perception result in an enhancement of children’s abilities?
- Is there a perfect time for children’s learning capability to be optimal?
- What determines the decision to homeschool a child?
- Where do the skills taught in school and what’s learned at home converge?
- Accidents are pretty common in the house. How do you think parents can prevent them?
Family time should be a fun time—a time when every member of the family chirps in and shares values. Weekends and holidays can be typically spent bonding. It is quite vital to prioritize activities.
Chores often infringe on quality family time. Balancing work and family life can sometimes seem like an arduous task.
- How do parents maximize family life?
- How can members of the family spend their time being productive?
- Do you think love can ever be too much?
There are often a couple of trending topics for the parenting section. Freelance writers are welcome to share their takes. Information is available from different sources. Authors should take advantage of this.
As time passes, parenting becomes somewhat more comfortable. Children attain some level of self-sufficiency.
With babies growing from toddlers into adolescents, then teens, and eventually to adults, it is commonplace for a level of independence.
The new worry for parents becomes how to handle teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
At some point, parents may begin to feel like their children are growing apart from them. This may be a source of heartache, worry, and in other cases, pride on the part of the parents.
It may not be easy to retain some semblance of friendship with children, teens, or adults.
- What tips can you give for parenting grown-up children?
- How can parents guide their children toward financial freedom?
In the guest post, we would like to explore the evolving landscape of parenting in the modern age, including the challenges parents face and the strategies used to overcome them. This could include balancing work and family life, encouraging children’s independence while ensuring their safety, and fostering resilience and adaptability in adversity. The post should also touch on the role of technology in parenting and discuss the impact of social media on the parent-child dynamic.
The guest post should provide comprehensive information on various aspects of pregnancy, such as taking care of yourself. This includes things like eating well, getting enough rest, and managing the weird aches and mood swings of pregnancy. Other things can include the importance of prenatal care. You can talk about why seeing a doctor or midwife regularly is essential. Additionally, the post could include tips for expectant fathers to help them support their partners during this crucial period.
The family-focused guest post should delve into the intricacies of family dynamics, including the importance of communication, setting boundaries, and conflict resolution. Discussing different types of families (e.g., nuclear, extended, blended) and how they can maintain strong bonds in today’s fast-paced world would be valuable. The post should also touch upon the significance of family rituals and traditions in creating a sense of belonging and unity.
The guest post should celebrate the joys and challenges of motherhood, discussing the importance of self-care and emotional well-being for mothers. It should provide tips on balancing personal and professional aspirations while nurturing a family. The post should also acknowledge the diversity in motherhood experiences and provide a platform for sharing relatable stories and advice.
This guest post should focus on the essential bags for moms on the go, discussing the importance of functionality, style, and durability. It should include recommendations for diaper bags, work bags, and everyday bags that cater to the needs of busy moms without compromising on aesthetics. The post could also touch on sustainable and eco-friendly bag options.
The life-centered guest post should discuss the importance of maintaining a work-life balance for parents, offering tips and strategies for creating harmony between personal and professional responsibilities. It should emphasize the value of self-care, mindfulness, and personal growth in promoting overall well-being. Additionally, the post could explore the role of hobbies and passions in enriching family life.
Children Education:
The guest post should address the significance of a well-rounded education for children, discussing academic and non-academic aspects. It should emphasize the role of parents in fostering a love for learning and nurturing their children’s unique talents and interests. The post could also explore the benefits of various educational philosophies and approaches, such as Montessori, Waldorf, and homeschooling.
The guest post should guide parents in navigating the first few months of their newborn’s life. It should cover essential topics such as feeding, sleep, and developmental milestones. The post should also provide practical tips on establishing routines, promoting bonding, and ensuring the safety and well-being of the newborn.
The guest post should explore the unique challenges and opportunities faced by parents of teenagers. It should discuss effective communication strategies, fostering emotional intelligence, and guiding teens toward responsible decision-making. It would be great if your post could touch on how hard it is to be a teenager. You could mention how friends can sometimes be awesome and sometimes the worst, how social media makes everyone look perfect (and can make you feel less-than), and how teens sometimes just need help figuring out how to handle big emotions and stress.
The guest post should provide insight into toddlers’ developmental milestones and unique needs. It should offer practical tips on managing tantrums, encouraging healthy eating habits, and promoting social and emotional development. The post could also discuss the importance of play and exploration in supporting cognitive growth and fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder in toddlers.
Family holidays and weekends:
The guest post should explore the benefits of family holidays and weekend getaways in strengthening familial bonds and creating lasting memories. It should offer suggestions for age-appropriate activities, budget-friendly travel tips, and advice on balancing relaxation and adventure. The post could also highlight the importance of incorporating local culture and traditions into family vacations for a more enriching experience.
The guest post should provide an in-depth look into the nursing journey for new and experienced mothers, discussing the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby. It should offer practical tips on establishing a successful breastfeeding routine, managing common challenges, and navigating the transition to solid foods. Additionally, the post could touch on the role of support systems, such as lactation consultants and breastfeeding support groups, in ensuring a positive nursing experience.
Mastering Parenting Content: Insights on Blogging, Visuals, Storytelling, and Reader Engagement

Do’s and Don’ts for Guest Blogging on AmyandRose
At AmyandRose, we appreciate the wealth of knowledge that guest bloggers bring to our platform. We are thrilled that you are considering writing a guest post for us. To ensure a smooth and rewarding experience, here are some key Do’s and Don’ts for Guest Blogging on AmyandRose:
- Do Understand Our Audience: Spend time navigating our site and familiarize yourself with our content. Our readers are primarily parents seeking practical advice, tips, and information on parenting, pregnancy, and child care. Tailoring your content to suit this demographic is key.
- Do Write High-Quality, Original Content: We value originality and authenticity. Make sure your article is unique, fresh, and not published elsewhere. Plagiarized content will not be accepted. Your post should also be informative, engaging, and well-researched, providing value to our readers.
- Do Stick to Our Guidelines: Pay close attention to our contributor guidelines. This includes word count, formatting rules, and referencing policies. Adhering to these guidelines will improve your chances of getting published.
- Utilize a Friendly, Relatable Tone: Readers appreciate personable and easy-to-understand content. Write as if you’re having a conversation with a friend. Avoid jargon and keep the language simple and relatable.
- Do Incorporate Real-Life Experiences: Personal anecdotes and case studies add a human touch to your article, making it more relatable to our readers.
- Don’t Be Overly Promotional: While we appreciate your accomplishments and products, our main goal is to provide valuable content to our readers. Any content that comes off as too promotional will not be published.
- Don’t Ignore SEO: We want your post to reach as many readers as possible. Include relevant keywords, internal and external links, and an engaging meta description. However, remember that readability and value should not be sacrificed for SEO.
- Don’t Neglect Proofreading: Ensure your article is free from grammatical and typographical errors. Take the time to revise and edit your content before submission.
- Don’t Forget Visuals: If applicable, include relevant, high-quality images to make your article more engaging. Ensure you have the rights to use the images, or they are sourced from royalty-free image sites.
- Don’t Shy Away from Feedback: Constructively take feedback if your article requires revisions. We’re all here to learn and grow, and your openness to feedback will enhance your writing in the long run.
Remember, the ultimate goal is to provide our readers with valuable content that enriches their lives and helps them become better parents. Remember these dos and Don’ts as you craft your guest post for AmyandRose, and we look forward to your valuable contribution.
The Power of Lists and How-tos in Parenting Content
As a content creator in parenting, you aim to provide clear, actionable, and helpful advice to your readers. Employing lists and how-to guides can be incredibly beneficial in delivering such information. These content presentation methods are reader-friendly and simplify complex ideas, making them a preferred choice for many readers.
Understanding the Appeal of Lists and How-tos
- Easy Digestibility: In an era of information, readers prefer concise and easy-to-understand content. Lists and how-to guides break down complex topics into manageable parts, making them easily digestible.
- Clarity and Organization: Lists and how-tos provide a clear, organized structure that helps readers quickly grasp the key points, making your content more user-friendly.
- Action-oriented: One of the defining characteristics of lists and how-tos is their action-oriented nature. They present straightforward advice or steps, offering immediate, practical value to the readers.
- Versatility: Lists and how-tos are versatile and can effectively deliver a wide range of topics in the parenting niche. From ’10 Techniques for Effective Discipline’ to ‘How to Deal with Toddler Tantrums,’ they can cover a diverse array of parenting aspects.
Leveraging Lists and How-tos in Parenting Content
- Identify Suitable Topics: Some topics lend themselves more naturally to these formats. Select subjects that can be broken down into actionable steps or tips, such as ‘Steps to Establish a Perfect Bedtime Routine’ or ‘5 Techniques to Enhance Reading Skills in Children.’
- Deliver Value in Each Point: Every point in your list or step in your how-to guide should offer direct value. Make sure each piece of advice is practical, actionable, and beneficial.
- Keep it Simple and Clear: Clarity and brevity should be your guiding principles. Each point or step should be explained in simple, direct language, avoiding complex terms or jargon.
- Use Numerical Indicators: Include the number of points in your title when crafting lists. This sets clear expectations for the readers and makes your content more attractive.
- Sequence Appropriately: Ensure the steps are logically ordered in a how-to guide. Consider ordering points by their significance or impact if you create a list.
- Provide Real-life Examples: Wherever possible, include real-life examples or anecdotes to illustrate your points. This adds credibility to your advice and makes it more relatable for readers.
- Engage your Readers: Encourage readers to contribute their experiences or additional tips. This enhances reader engagement and fosters a sense of community.
In essence, lists and how-to guides are compelling tools in content creation, particularly in the parenting space. They cater to the reader’s need for quick, actionable advice amid the challenging task of nurturing children. By effectively using lists and how-tos, you can increase the utility of your content, improve its readability, and significantly enhance your audience’s reading experience.
How to craft a compelling title and introduction for your parenting article?
Crafting a compelling title and introduction for your parenting article is vital for attracting and retaining your readers’ attention. They serve as the first impression of your content, and their effectiveness can determine whether a reader chooses to engage with your article or moves on to something else. Here are some tips on how to create captivating titles and introductions:
Creating a Compelling Title
- Keep it Concise and Clear: Your title should be brief but clear enough to convey the topic of your article. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex phrases. A clear, straightforward title can pique a reader’s interest and make it easier to understand the article.
- Incorporate Keywords: Including relevant keywords in your title can help optimize your article for search engines, making it easier for potential readers to find your content. Be mindful to ensure the keywords fit naturally into the title.
- Use Numbers or “How-to”: Titles that include numbers (like “7 Tips for Potty Training”) or the phrase “how to” (such as “How to Deal with Toddler Tantrums”) are often attractive to readers as they suggest a concise, practical guide.
- Evoke Curiosity: Using questions or intriguing phrases can make your title more captivating. It encourages readers to click on the article to find the answer or discover more.
Writing an Engaging Introduction
- Start with a Hook: Begin your introduction with a compelling statement, a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a short anecdote to grab your readers’ attention.
- Relate to the Reader: Show the reader that you understand their challenges or concerns. This establishes a connection with them and makes them more likely to continue reading. For instance, you could empathize with the struggles of managing a picky eater or dealing with sleepless nights.
- Provide a Preview: Give your readers a brief overview of what they can expect from your article. However, make sure not to give away too much too soon. The aim is to intrigue them enough to read further.
- Establish Credibility: Let your readers know why you’re qualified to write on the topic. It could be due to your personal experience, professional expertise, or extensive research.
- Promise Value: Make sure to communicate the value your article offers. Whether it’s a new perspective, practical advice, or unique tips, let the readers know they’ll gain something from reading your article.
Remember, your title and introduction set the stage for your article. An effective title will draw readers in, and a well-crafted introduction will keep them engaged.
Showcasing Real-Life Experiences: Writing case studies and personal stories
At AmyandRose, we know that parenting isn’t just about tips and guides! Sharing your authentic experiences connects with readers deeply. Don’t be afraid to open up. Did that new preschool guide truly help your family? Was finding a green parent group life-changing? We’d love to feature your story and insights. It helps build our supportive parenting community!
Real-life experiences, in the form of case studies and personal stories, effectively provide valuable, relatable, and authentic content to your readers. They breathe life into your writing and build a deep connection with the audience by showcasing tangible examples and genuine emotions. Here are some tips on how to effectively showcase real-life experiences in your parenting articles:
Selecting the Right Stories
The first step is to select the right experiences to share. Your stories or case studies should align with your article’s theme, be relevant to your audience, and offer some value or insight. It could be a significant parenting milestone, a challenge you overcame, or a unique situation you navigated. Remember, stories that resonate most are those that are honest and genuine.
Structuring Your Story
Stories should be well-structured and engaging. A classic narrative structure – a beginning (the situation), middle (the challenge or action), and end (the resolution or outcome) – works well. This structure guides readers through the narrative smoothly, keeps them engaged, and builds anticipation for the resolution.
Incorporating Emotion and Sensory Details
Tapping into emotions makes your story more relatable and memorable. Share your feelings, reactions, and thoughts at various points in the story. Additionally, using sensory details can make your story more vivid. Describe what you saw, heard, felt, or even smelled during your experience. These elements bring your readers into the moment with you.
Highlighting the Lessons
Every story or case study should provide some takeaways for the readers. What did you learn from your experience? How did it change your perspective or approach to parenting? Making the lessons clear can transform your story from an interesting read into a valuable resource.
Keeping it Concise and Focused
While it’s essential to provide enough detail to engage your readers, avoid unnecessary information that doesn’t serve the narrative or lesson. Keep your story focused on the key events and takeaways. This ensures your readers stay engaged and don’t get lost in the details.
Respecting Privacy
Respect privacy when sharing personal stories or case studies, especially those involving others. Change names or identifying details if necessary, and always ensure you have permission to share the story if it involves others significantly.
Involving the Reader
Involve your readers by asking them questions about your story or encouraging them to share similar experiences. This can promote engagement and transform your article from a monologue into a dialogue.
Editing and Polishing
Finally, ensure your story is well-edited and polished. Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Ensure the events’ flow is logical and the language is clear and concise.
Showcasing real-life experiences can add immense value to your articles, making them more engaging and impactful. They offer a personal touch, making your insights more relatable. With these tips, you can effectively incorporate your experiences and create articles that resonate deeply with your readers.
Storytelling in Parenting – How to share your experiences effectively?
Sharing personal experiences through storytelling is a powerful way to connect with readers and enhance the impact of your content. In the context of parenting, this tool can be especially influential as it allows you to provide real-world examples and personal insights that add depth and relatability to your articles. Below are some key elements to consider when using storytelling in parenting articles.
Show, Don’t Just Tell
The age-old adage of “show, don’t tell” holds in storytelling. It’s not enough to merely state facts or experiences. It would be best to paint a vivid picture for your readers, transporting them into the scenario you’re describing. Use descriptive language, incorporate emotions, and detail your interactions with your environment. This approach brings your story to life, immerses your readers, and generates a stronger emotional response.
Craft a Narrative Arc
Every compelling story follows a narrative arc – a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning sets the stage and presents the situation or problem. The action or conflict occurs in the middle, and the end brings resolution. When sharing parenting experiences, this narrative arc can translate into presenting a parenting challenge you faced, the steps you took to address it, and the outcome. The arc provides structure and keeps your readers engaged.
Make It Relatable
Aim to make your story relatable to a broad range of parents. This doesn’t mean you must cater to everyone’s experiences, but your story should touch on universal parenting themes – love, growth, struggle, and triumph. This will resonate more with your readers and make your experiences seem less distant.
Embed Valuable Lessons
The primary goal of your parenting article is to provide value to your readers. Therefore, the experiences you share should contain insights or lessons that other parents can apply in their own lives. Maybe you learned a new strategy for dealing with toddler tantrums or discovered an effective way to encourage healthy eating habits. Whatever the lesson, ensure it’s articulated and easy for readers to understand and implement.
Keep it Honest
Honesty is critical in storytelling. Parenting is a complex journey filled with ups and downs. Don’t shy away from sharing the tough times along with the triumphant ones. Your readers will appreciate your honesty and feel more connected to your story. However, be mindful of sharing stories you are comfortable making public and respect the privacy of others involved.
Evoke Emotion
Stories that stir up emotions tend to stick with us. Ensure your storytelling elicits emotions, whether joy, surprise, fear, or relief. This helps your readers connect with your story on a deeper level and makes it more memorable.
Effectively sharing your parenting experiences through storytelling involves more than just recounting events. It requires crafting a narrative, making it relatable, providing valuable lessons, and eliciting emotions. These combined elements will make your articles more engaging and have a lasting impact on your readers.
Crafting Articles that Captivate
Here’s how to capture readers’ attention as a contributor:
- The Hook: Start strong! A surprising fact, relatable question, or vivid anecdote draws people in.
- Storytelling is Key: Don’t just list advice. Show how it played out in your life for a deeper impact.
- Humor with Heart: A sprinkle of humor keeps things light but be sensitive to diverse parenting experiences.
- Flow Matters: Mix up sentence lengths for a smoother read.
- Paint a Picture: Active verbs and sensory details help readers visualize.
- Proofread it Twice! A polished piece is key to getting published.
Guidelines for Visual Content: Photos and Illustrations
Visual content plays a pivotal role in enhancing the appeal and comprehension of your article. Images, infographics, and illustrations break up the text, making it easier to digest and providing additional information that can supplement or amplify your written content. As you prepare to submit your guest post for AmyandRose, here are some important guidelines to follow for visual content:
1. Relevance
First and foremost, ensure that your visuals are pertinent to your content. They should reflect the topic, underline crucial points, and offer an illustrative dimension to your narrative. Irrelevant visuals can be distracting and may confuse readers.
2. Quality
All visuals must be of high quality. Images should be clear, well-lit, and have a resolution of at least 300 dpi for optimum viewing on all devices. For illustrations or infographics, ensure lines are crisp, text is readable, and colors are well balanced. Quality visuals make your article look professional and increase readability.
3. Originality
We value originality, not just in your written content but also in your visual content. Personal photos, custom-made illustrations, and unique infographics are always welcome. If you’re using stock images, choose less commonly used ones. Unoriginal or cliched visuals may detract from the uniqueness of your article.
4. Accessibility
Ensure your visuals are accessible to everyone, including people with visual impairments. Use alt text (alternative text) for every image. Alt text is a brief description of the image that screen readers can narrate to their users, enabling them to understand the image context. This practice is not just crucial for accessibility; it’s also good for SEO.
5. Legality
It’s important to respect copyright laws. Always use images and illustrations that you have the right to. If you’re using stock images, ensure they are from reputable sources and have appropriately licensed them. Always give credit where it’s due and cite sources if necessary. Plagiarism or copyright infringement is unacceptable.
6. File Size
While quality is important, so is the loading time of your images. Compress your images to ensure they don’t slow down the page loading speed, which can negatively impact the user experience and SEO. There are various tools available online that can help you compress images without compromising quality.
7. Placement
Strategically place your visuals within your article to increase their impact. Images or illustrations that support a particular point are best placed near that section of text. The visuals should flow naturally within your content, guiding the reader through your article.
8. Captions
While not always necessary, captions can be a helpful tool. They can provide context or additional information about the visual. A well-written caption can also attract the reader’s attention and make them more likely to engage with the rest of your content.
Visual content is a potent tool in digital storytelling. When done right, visuals can enhance your article’s appeal, increase engagement, and improve readability. Following these guidelines ensures that your visuals complement your written content and add value to our AmyandRose readers.
Post-Publication – Comment and Feedback Engagement Guidelines
Congratulations on getting your article published on AmyandRose! However, your journey doesn’t end with the publication of your guest post. Engaging with readers through comments and feedback post-publication is equally important. Here are some guidelines for effectively interacting with your audience after your article goes live:
1. Prompt Response
Readers may comment on your article to express their views, share their experiences, or ask questions. Make sure to respond promptly to these comments. Timely engagement shows dedication to the audience and can foster a stronger relationship with them.
2. Be Polite and Professional
Regardless of the nature of the comments, always maintain a polite and professional tone. Even if you encounter criticism or negative feedback, handle it gracefully. Constructive criticism can be an opportunity for learning and growth. For any inappropriate comments, it’s best to notify the website administrator.
3. Encourage Discussion
Inviting your readers to share their thoughts or experiences related to the topic can spark insightful discussions. This not only increases engagement but also enriches the content of your article with diverse perspectives.
4. Provide Additional Value
In your responses, try to provide additional value whenever possible. This could be in the form of extra tips, resources, or answering questions in detail. Your continued involvement and willingness to further assist will enhance your credibility and rapport with the readers.
5. Promote Your Post
Don’t hesitate to promote your published article on your social media platforms or personal blog. This can help drive more traffic to your post and generate more engagement. When sharing, consider posing a question or a key takeaway from your article to stir interest and discussions.
6. Acknowledge Praise
When readers appreciate your work, acknowledge their Praise and thank them. This simple act of gratitude can go a long way in building positive relationships with your audience.
7. Be Authentic
Maintain authenticity in your interactions. Your readers will appreciate genuine engagement over robotic or template responses. Show your human side, empathize with their situations, and share your personal experiences when appropriate.
8. Keep Track of Engagement
Monitor the engagement of your article. Note the type of comments generating more discussions or getting the most reactions. This can provide valuable insights into what resonates with your audience and guide you in creating future content.
9. Respect Privacy
White engaging with comments, be mindful of your readers’ privacy. Avoid asking for personal details unless necessary, and ensure that any information you share is confidential.
10. Stay Updated
Continue to stay involved even after the initial buzz of your post has quieted down. People may discover your article later and comment or ask questions. Regularly checking back shows your continued commitment to your readers.
Engaging with your readers post-publication through comments and feedback can enhance the reach and impact of your article. It’s an opportunity to build connections, gain reader insights, and establish your presence in the AmyandRose community. Following these guidelines will ensure you foster a positive and fruitful relationship with your readers.
Parenting Write for Us – Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to write for your site?
You need to have some level of personal experience in parenting. It would help if you were upfront, honest, and willing to share your story and experience.
How do I get my post to feature on your site?
It’s simple. All you need to do is write an article related to pregnancy, family, or parenting blogs and stick to our editorial guidelines.
Posts that are informative, respectful of groups and individuals, error-free, and a minimum of 800 words will be published. Please email or fill out our form to indicate your interest in writing for us.
Do I get credited when I write a guest post on your site?
Of course. When you contribute to our site, you will get credited for every article of yours that is published on our site. You will get a bio that will include essential information about you and your picture.
How long does it take to publish my article on your website?
It may take around two weeks to get your article published on Amyandrose. This is because the editorial team will have to edit your article to fit the tone and style of the site.
If your article is near perfect and with little need for editing, it will get published much faster.
Can my article be rejected?
Yes, a poorly written article can be rejected. To prevent this from happening, stick to the editorial rules of Amyandrose.
This includes writing original content that has not been published anywhere else, a post that is 800+ words, and error-free and factual articles.
Even if you have a featured article in an online publication or on sites like Metro parent, Raising Arizona kids, Chicago parent, or Minnesota parent, we’ll still not accept duplicate content.
Do I get a second chance if my article is rejected?
Yes, you do. But you have to protect your profile by not being a repeat offender known for making comments that are considered offensive to a person, group of people, or religions.
Can I include personal experiences in my article?
Yes, you can include personal experiences in your articles.
All our columnists are encouraged to share their personal experiences as this will serve as a learning experience for other readers going through similar experiences.
This will improve the site’s quality and make it a fulling experience for everyone.
Do I get paid for my articles?
No, you don’t get paid for your articles. You, however, get to jumpstart or sustain your blogging career. You will get your articles shared on all our social media platforms and grow a fan base.
If you prove exceptional, you can get a large following that will be more valuable in the long run than monetary rewards.
Can I reply to comments on my article?
Authors are encouraged to engage their readers and fans by answering questions in their article’s comment section.
This will build trust between writers and readers, proving satisfying to both readers and writers.
Can I send an already published article?
We request you submit your stories that are not published elsewhere.
What should I do after my article gets successfully published?
Hooray! If your piece gets successfully published at AmyandRose, you should share it with your friends and family through your social media channels.
What kinds of articles are you looking for?
We’re a family magazine focused on the highs and lows of the parents’ journey. We love articles related to parenting that offer fresh perspectives, helpful tips, and heartfelt stories. If you have a unique experience or knowledge on topics relating to parents and families, we want to hear from you! We’re also interested in pieces that connect to current events or trending discussions in the parenting world.
How do I submit my work?
Start by checking our “calls for submissions” section for specific writing opportunities. Otherwise, please send your original article pitches with a catchy subject line to hello[at]amyandrose[dot]com. Include a brief bio and let us know if you’ve been published in other parenting resources, like a print magazine. We’re always looking for writer talent to join our team!
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Resources to Boost Your Writing
We want you to shine as a writer! Here are some helpful tools:
- Guidelines Galore: Explore writer guidelines from other parenting magazines and websites for different angles.
- Freelance Power: Connect with writer communities for support and pro tips.
- Sharpen Your Skills: Books and articles on writing are worth their weight in gold.
- Check that Work: Online grammar and plagiarism checkers ensure you submit original articles.
We Want Your Voice!
Have you tackled a unique parenting topic? Share your knowledge on subjects relating to families. Whether you’ve got expertise on children’s ages, local resources, or just a great angle, let’s discuss a feature story!