Presents for Son’s Girlfriend

Updated: February 15, 2024 | Published:

Introduction: Navigating the World of Gifts for Your Son’s Girlfriend

Choosing a gift for your son’s girlfriend can be a mix of nerve-wracking and exciting. Whether it’s the first time meeting her or a special occasion, you want to leave a positive impression and show her that you welcome her into the family. While gifts aren’t the only measure of affection, finding that perfect “something” adds a thoughtful layer to your growing relationship.

The ideal gift often varies depending on how long your son and his girlfriend have been dating, how serious the relationship is, and her unique personality and interests. Don’t worry; we’ll cover how to factor all these into your successful gift-giving strategy!

Presents for Son's Girlfriend 2024

Getting to Know Her

Before rushing to the store, subtly gather some intel for your gifting expedition. Here are some ways to figure out the kinds of things she might like:

  • Ask your son: Your son is your inside source! He likely knows her favorite stores, what she enjoys doing in her free time, and whether she’s been eyeing something specific subtly (or not-so-subtly).
  • Observe her style: Take notice of her jewelry, phone case, and even how she decorates her room (if you can see it). These can all provide handy clues about her aesthetic preferences.
  • Browse her social media: Social media platforms are treasure troves of information. A quick scroll through her profile might reveal hobbies, favorite bands, places she visits, and books she reads – the potential gift idea list will start writing itself!

Important Note: While gathering insider information is essential, leaving room for thoughtful guesswork is always a good idea! Let your observations and instincts guide you in tailoring the gift to her.

Let’s move on to gift ideas, dividing them based on their relationship stage to simplify your decision-making.

Gift Ideas Based on Relationship Stage

  • New Relationship: If your son and his girlfriend are in the early stages of a relationship, opting for small, thoughtful gifts is the safest route. Avoid overly personal or extravagant items at this point. Good choices include:
    • Cozy comforts: Think fuzzy socks, a soft throw blanket, or a soothing candle.
    • Fun experiences: Tickets to a local event, a gift card for a fun outing (mini-golf, an arcade, etc.), or even a class you think she’d find interesting.
    • Gift cards: Gift certificates to stores she frequents, or popular online shops allow her to choose something she genuinely loves.
  • Serious Relationship: If the relationship has progressed into more serious territory, you can go for slightly more personalized (and perhaps pricier) presents. You’ll likely have a better sense of her likes and dislikes. Explore items like these:
    • Gifts related to her hobbies: She might love a new mat or yoga block if she’s a yoga enthusiast. Does she love reading? A cute bookmark or a cozy reading nook setup would be appreciated.
    • Thoughtful jewelry: Keep it tasteful and timeless instead of overly expensive or personalized. A pretty necklace with her initial or birthstone is a sweet choice.
    • Personalized gifts: If you know a specific place holds sentimental value for them or want to commemorate a special moment, subtly customize items such as a mug, framed photo, or phone case.

Universal Crowd-Pleasers

Sometimes, picking out a gift that aligns with a specific hobby or interest can be tricky, especially if you’re still getting to know her. Enter the “crowd-pleasers” —gifts that work across various personalities and are generally met with enthusiasm. Here are our top picks:

  • Experiences Over Things: The gift of an experience can be far more memorable than a material item. Consider:
    • Concert or theater tickets (bonus points if it’s her favorite artist!)
    • A relaxing spa day or massage treatment
    • A cooking class focused on a type of cuisine she enjoys
    • A virtual mixology class for the at-home cocktail enthusiast
  • Self-Care Pampering: Everyone appreciates a bit of relaxation. Put together a pampering basket with:
    • Luxurious bath salts or bubble bath
    • Scented candles
    • A fancy lotion or body scrub
    • A cozy robe or plush slippers
  • Tech Accessories: Tech gadgets and accessories never go amiss. Opt for:
    • A portable charger (bonus points for cute designs!)
    • A trendy phone case
    • Wireless headphones or earbuds
    • A mini photo printer for her phone
  • Food and Drink Treats:
    • A basket of gourmet snacks, teas, or her favorite kind of coffee
    • A sampler from a local chocolatier or specialty food store
    • A ‘make-your-own’ kit like a candlemaking kit or charcuterie board crafting set

What to Avoid

While good intentions are key, a few gift categories can fall flat or send the wrong message. Steer clear of:

  • Overly Intimate Gifts: Unless your son’s girlfriend explicitly asks for something, stay away from lingerie, perfume, or suggestive items. They’re better left for your son to give when the relationship reaches that level.
  • Cliché and Impersonal Choices: Steer clear of mugs with generic quotes, gag gifts unrelated to her personality, or overly generic presents that lack a personal touch.
  • Items with Unsuitable Messages: Anti-aging products, gym memberships, or anything related to self-improvement can be awkward, implying negative judgments rather than a celebratory vibe.

Remember: While it’s good to be mindful of potential gift failures, a well-meaning gift from the heart is better than nothing!

Conclusion: The Importance of a Thoughtful Gesture

Choosing gifts for your son’s girlfriend signifies that you welcome her into your life and care about fostering a positive relationship. While presents play a role in showing consideration and establishing warmth, thoughtful gift-giving is more significant than the price tag.

Whether you choose a cozy experience, a personalized trinket, or a fun experience, prioritize picking something that demonstrates effort and a desire to get to know her better. Even if you’re still early in your acquaintance, choosing a gift demonstrates an open heart and sets a positive tone for future interactions.

The best gifts for your son’s girlfriend will always be those to share genuine warmth and build connection. Don’t get too caught up in finding the “perfect” item! If you approach gift-giving with kindness and consideration, she’ll appreciate the gesture, and your care will shine through.


Now, let’s tackle some of the most common questions surrounding gift-giving for your son’s girlfriend and provide some practical guidelines.

  1. How much should I spend on a gift for my son’s girlfriend?

    No magic number fits every situation! Ideally, prioritize thoughtfulness over a big price tag. A good starting range might be similar to what you’d spend on a birthday gift for a friend. Depending on the occasion and your financial comfort level, adjust accordingly. For new relationships, keep it modest, around $25-$50. A $50-$100 budget may be more fitting for more established relationships and major occasions.

  2. What if I don’t know her well?

    When your understanding of her preferences is limited, the safest and most considerate options include:
    Gift cards: Give her the freedom to choose something she truly wants at a shop you know she likes.
    Experience gifts: A spa treatment, class, or event tickets are versatile and can be enjoyed regardless of whether you know her taste perfectly.
    Ask your son directly: Sometimes, the simplest approach is the best. Discreetly ask your son for suggestions or gift ideas his girlfriend might like.

  3. Should I give her a holiday gift if I’ve never met her?

    This can be a thoughtful gesture to show you’re welcoming her into the family. Keep the gift small and casual if the relationship isn’t super serious. Think of an ornament, a festive candle, or a simple Christmas gift like cozy socks. If they’re in a committed relationship, you can include her in your regular holiday gift with something slightly more special.

  4. How do I welcome my son’s girlfriend?

    Show genuine warmth: A friendly smile and a welcoming greeting go a long way. Introduce yourself, and if it feels natural, offer a hug or handshake.
    Offer refreshments: Ask if she’d like anything to drink or a snack. Putting her at ease is a sign of hospitality.
    Show interest, and avoid interrogations: “Your son has told us so much about you!” is a much softer intro than asking “So, what are your intentions with my son?”
    Respect boundaries: Allow them space to interact as a couple and get to know her organically over time.

  5. What should I ask my son’s girlfriend?

    Focus on “getting to know you” questions rather than prying into her life. Here are some ideas:
    Interests and hobbies: “I hear you’re into photography; what kind of things do you enjoy taking pictures of?”
    Work or school: “What are you studying? That sounds interesting!”
    Her background: “Have you always lived in [city name], or did you move here recently?”
    Lighthearted topics: Ask about favorite books, music, or something in pop culture she might find fun.

  6. What to get for my daughter’s boyfriend?

    The same principles apply as choosing a gift for your son’s girlfriend! The stage of the relationship, his interests, and your budget are all factors. Here are a few directions to explore:
    His hobbies: Sports equipment, tickets to his favorite team’s game, or something related to gaming
    Experiences: Gift card to a local eatery, tickets to a movie or concert, or something adventurous like an escape room experience
    Practical, yet cool: Tech accessories, a nice set of grilling tools, or a travel kit if he often travels.

  7. How do I choose a gift for my girlfriend?

    Pay attention to her hints: She might casually drop “I love this perfume sample” or mention a book she wants to read.
    Experience or an item? Decide what fits her and your relationship best – a weekend away, concert tickets, or a piece of jewelry she’ll always remember.
    Sentimental value: Something personal like a framed photo collage, a handwritten poem, or a playlist of your favorite songs shows more effort than a generic present.

  8. How do I say thank you to my son’s girlfriend?

    Handwritten note: A sincere “Thank you for always making my son so happy” goes a long way.
    Small gift: Pair your verbal thanks with a small gift like flowers, chocolates, or a gift card to her favorite shop.
    Verbal expression: A simple “I really appreciate you…” can be meaningful in person.

  9. How can I impress my son’s girlfriend?

    Respect their dynamic: Give them space and don’t interfere in their relationship.
    Be kind and respectful: Treat her as you would want anyone to treat your child.
    Subtle acts of thoughtfulness: Baking her favorite dessert, remembering her birthday, or inviting her to family events, if appropriate, demonstrate you care.
    Offer support: Sometimes, listening to her without offering unsolicited advice is the most impressive gesture.


About Amy T. Smith

Amy is the co-founder of AmyandRose and has been sharing her expertise on parenting, health, and lifestyle for several years. Based in Portland, she is a mother to two children—a teenager and a five-year-old—and has a Master's degree in Journalism from Columbia University.

Amy's writing offers practical advice and relatable stories to support parents through every stage, from pregnancy to the teenage years.

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