8 Easy Pets to Care For – From Hamsters to Rabbits

Updated: May 6, 2024 | Published:

Pets bring joy, comfort, and companionship, brightening even the dullest days. But not everyone has the time or energy for high-maintenance animals like dogs or cats.

This article highlights eight low-maintenance pets, ranging from turtles to rabbits and hamsters. We’ll also provide practical tips to ensure they thrive in your home, even if you have a busy schedule. Plus, if you’re looking for an emotional support animal, these can all make good options since they rarely will add stress to your life!

Eight Low-Maintenance Pets

Whether you have a busy schedule or are new to pet ownership, these eight pets are low on maintenance but high on companionship.

Betta Fish: Low Maintenance, High Personality

Betta fish don’t require a big tank to thrive; a small one will do just fine. Just make sure to clean it once a week and feed your fish every day. Betta fish come in many bright colors and have fins that look like flowing dresses. So, they are easy to care for and fun to watch.

Another cool thing about Betta fish is that they can recognize their owners. When you come close to the tank, you may notice your Betta fish swimming up to say hi. Just remember, they like living alone. Don’t put two male Betta fish in the same tank, or they will fight.

Hamsters: Cute and Cuddly Companions

Pet Hamster

A hamster is considered an excellent emotional support animal. It’s low-maintenance and perfect for kids or adults without pets. It would be best to have a cage, some bedding, and a wheel for them to run on. They love to eat Timothy Hay, small amounts of fresh fruit, vegetables or herbs, and commercial hamster pellets.

Hamsters are usually active at night. So, you can enjoy watching them run on their wheel while you’re winding down from your day. But remember, some hamsters really dislike being held. So, short cuddles are best!

Guinea Pigs: Social and Sweet

Guinea pigs are a bit bigger than hamsters but are just as easy to care for. They need a clean cage, fresh water, and hay to eat. Guinea pigs are social animals, so it’s a good idea to get more than one if you can. They love to chat with each other in cute, squeaky voices.

Guinea pigs love being petted. Spend time with them each day, and you’ll have a friend for life. They’re also good at letting you know when they’re hungry or want attention, usually by making cute noises.

Budgerigars: Colorful and Chatty

Budgerigars, or budgies for short, are small parrots that are extremely low-maintenance. They need a cage, toys, and a mix of seeds and fresh fruits. Budgies are known for their ability to mimic sounds and even learn words.

Having a budgie is like having a small, feathery friend who loves to chat. They enjoy interaction and can be trained to sit on your finger or shoulder. They’re social birds, so consider getting two if you’re often away from home.

Turtles: More Than Just Slow and Steady

Pet Turtle

Turtles are good pets for people who like animals that don’t need a lot of attention. They need a tank with water and a place to dry off and bask under a light.

Their eating schedule changes as they age. Juvenile turtles need to eat two small meals a day. As they grow into young adults, they should be fed once a day. Mature turtles are fine with eating once every other day.

Rabbits: Hoppy, Furry Friends

Contrary to popular belief, rabbits don’t do well in small cages; they need plenty of space to hop around. It’s best to let them roam freely in your garden. However, their resting area should have natural light and ventilation for the winter months.

They love to chew, so give them plenty of toys, but avoid exposing them to electrical cords or other dangerous items.

Regarding food, rabbits primarily need hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of specialized rabbit pellets. They also love the occasional treat like fruit.

Rabbits are social creatures and often do better when they have another rabbit friend to keep them company. Just make sure to spay or neuter them to avoid unexpected baby bunnies.

Leopard Geckos: The Quiet and Curious Reptile

Leopard Geckos are a unique choice for someone looking to care for a reptile that’s easy to manage. They don’t need much space and are comfortable in small- to medium-sized tanks.

Unlike some other reptiles, they don’t require special lighting but want a warm spot to lounge in. A small heating pad under part of their tank should do the trick.

As for food, they mainly eat insects like crickets or mealworms. Young ones need to be fed every 1-2 days, and adults need to be fed 2-3 times per week.

Goldfish: More Than Just a Bowl Pet

Goldfish is an excellent choice for anyone new to keeping fish. However, a few things must be remembered to ensure they’re healthy and happy.

You must ensure the water is clean, so investing in a good filter is best. You can feed them flakes or pellets specifically designed for Goldfish. You’ll also have to feed them 2-3 times daily.

One misconception about Goldfish is that they have short lifespans. In reality, they have a lifespan averaging about 10-15 years, with some varieties living up to 30 years. So, they’re not just an “easy” pet but also a long-term companion.

Last Few Words

Owning a pet can bring much joy and companionship, even if you’re a beginner or busy.

From Betta fish that greet you by the tank to guinea pigs’ adorable and social nature, there are plenty of low-maintenance pets to consider.

Each pet, no matter how easy to care for, has its own unique needs. Knowing these will help you become a responsible and loving pet owner.


About Amy T. Smith

Amy is a mother, writer, and your go-to expert for real-life insights into parenting, health, and lifestyle. Amy holds a Master's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and prides herself on finding actionable tips and relatable tales.

Through her blog, AmyandRose, she supports you from pregnancy to the teenage years, offering assurance that your experiences are shared.

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