It’s hard to pinpoint when your parents may have first had to discuss a difficult or sensitive subject with you. For instance, t can be hard to remember when you first discussed death or racism.
What can be even harder is when you have to have these discussions with your children. Difficult subjects can often be uncomfortable to discuss, and you may not know how to approach them with your children.
No parent wants to think about difficult subjects they may have to talk to their children about, but it’s an important part of parenting. Here are six difficult subjects you may have to discuss with your kids at some point.
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Death is an inevitable part of life and something we all must face one day. Sadly, deaths even outpace births nowadays, so it’s getting far more common to have someone die.
With more deaths happening more often, it’s far more likely someone in your child’s life will die. On a societal level, death remains a topic that few are comfortable discussing. After all, humans tend to hold life sacred and fear its eventual cessation. It’s even harder to explain death to a child, who may not understand what it means or even that they won’t see their loved one again.
When discussing death with children, you should be honest, straightforward, and gentle. Make sure they know it’s ok to feel scared or sad when someone dies. Talk about the deceased person’s memories and try to keep a sense of hope intact as much as possible.
Religion can be a difficult subject to discuss with your child. Heck, many adults don’t openly like talking about their religious beliefs.
However, you will need to talk about religion and its effects on society to help kids understand why some people may have different views than their own. You don’t necessarily have to explain all the details of a particular faith but make sure kids know the basics.
Explain to your child how religion can give people hope and guidance and is a helpful tool for understanding the world around them. Above all else, stress that everyone has the right to practice their own faith without judgment or discrimination.
The Birds and the Bees
The birds and the bees are a common euphemism for talking about sex. It’s often used when talking to children who are just starting to learn more about their bodies and may not understand what’s happening in more detail.
A major problem nowadays is it feels like sex is plastered everywhere, and kids can easily find it on the internet or in movies. It may come to a point where you may have to explain certain things depending on how much they’ve seen or heard.
Parents often feel uncomfortable discussing sex with their kids, but they will have to learn it at some point. This doesn’t mean you have to explain outright what it is, which is especially true for younger children, but you can talk to them about respect, boundaries, and personal safety.

Children tend to notice someone looks different from themselves immediately. It’s easy for children to notice skin color, hair type, and other physical traits different from their own.
When it comes to recognizing race, the topic of racism tends to follow. Racism is something many people don’t like discussing, especially with their children. However, if your child goes to school or has any connection to the outside world, they will eventually encounter racism at some point in their lives.
It’s critical to talk about racism and its effects early so kids can learn to recognize racism and understand why it’s wrong. Explain that people of different races, religions, and cultures should be respected and show them how to stand up against discrimination when they see it.
Similar to racism, children will pick up on the differences between girls and boys rather quickly. As they start to form opinions and understand society, they may be exposed to sexist tendencies or behaviors.
Sexism is still prevalent, and children must understand why it’s wrong. While your child may not have witnessed the full effects of sexism yet, they might in the future.
It’s essential to explain to your child that everyone deserves respect, and no one should be discriminated against based on their gender or identity. You should ensure your children understand how sexism can be damaging to both men and women.
Your Personal Illnesses
Children aren’t exactly ignorant when their parents aren’t feeling well. For example, if you’re struggling with a personal illness like addiction, your children will probably be able to tell you’re not well. While your addiction struggles can already have long-term negative effects on a child’s development, they can be even worse if you try to hide them.
It’s understandable if you don’t want to talk about your own personal illnesses, both physical and mental. No one likes to bring up their weaknesses or vulnerabilities. However, it is important for children to understand your struggles and that every issue should be taken seriously.
If you can share your story with them, it may help them be more understanding and compassionate toward those struggling. This may also encourage your child to open up about any difficulties they may be facing as well.
Closing thoughts
These are only a few of the many controversial topics that are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. As a parent, you need to be prepared for anything and everything. This means being as open and honest as possible with your kids. It’s essential to listen to their questions and answer them as best you can without overwhelming them or making things too complicated.
Most importantly, don’t avoid or ignore these topics completely. Although discussing difficult issues may be uncomfortable for both you and your child, it is essential for their understanding of the world. Talk to your kids about these topics, and offer them the support they need when processing information. This will help them develop into confident, conscious adults with informed views on controversial topics.