What are 3 Responsibilities of Parenting?

Updated: December 29, 2022 | Published:

Parenting is a challenging and rewarding role that requires a strong commitment and dedication to the well-being of one’s children. While the specific responsibilities of parenting may vary depending on the individual needs and circumstances of each family, there are three primary responsibilities that all parents should prioritize.

Responsibilities of Parenting?

1. Providing Physical Care and Support

The first responsibility of parenting is to ensure that one’s children have the physical care and support they need to grow and thrive. This includes providing necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing and ensuring that children have access to medical care and other essential services.

In addition to meeting basic needs, parents also play a crucial role in promoting their children’s physical health and safety. This includes teaching children about healthy habits, such as proper nutrition and exercise, as well as taking steps to protect them from harm by installing safety gates and car seats.

2. Nurturing Emotional and Social Development

The second responsibility of parenting is to help children develop emotionally and socially. This involves providing children with love, support, and positive reinforcement and helping them navigate the challenges and complexities of social relationships.

To support emotional and social development, parents should make an effort to understand their children’s individual needs and personalities and to respond to their emotions and behaviors in a supportive and constructive way. This may involve setting boundaries and rules, but it should also involve being open, caring, and responsive to children’s needs and feelings.

3. Promoting Education and Learning

Mom and Kid Studying
Mom and Kid Studying

The third responsibility of parenting is to support children’s education and learning. This includes providing children with access to educational resources, such as books, educational toys, and educational experiences, as well as helping them to develop good study habits and a love of learning.

To promote education and learning, parents should proactively seek opportunities for children to learn and grow and encourage children to explore their interests and passions. This may involve enrolling children in educational programs or activities or simply providing them the time and space to read, write, and learn independently.


Parenting is a complex and multifaceted role that requires a strong commitment to the well-being of one’s children. The three primary parenting responsibilities are providing physical care and support, nurturing emotional and social development, and promoting education and learning. By prioritizing these responsibilities, parents can help their children grow and thrive and build strong, healthy, and happy families.

FAQs about 3 Responsibilities of Parenting

  1. What are some examples of providing physical care and support for children?

    Some examples of providing physical care and support for children include:

    Ensuring that children have access to nutritious food and clean water
    Providing children with a safe and comfortable place to live
    Ensuring that children have access to medical care and other essential services
    Teaching children about healthy habits, such as proper nutrition and exercise
    Protecting children from harm, such as by installing safety gates and car seats

  2. How can parents support their children’s emotional and social development?

    Parents can support their children’s emotional and social development by:

    Providing children with love, support, and positive reinforcement
    Being open, caring, and responsive to children’s needs and feelings
    Setting boundaries and rules in a supportive and constructive way
    Encouraging children to explore their interests and passions
    Helping children navigate the challenges and complexities of social relationships

  3. In what ways can parents promote education and learning for their children?

    Parents can promote education and learning for their children by:

    Providing children with access to educational resources, such as books, educational toys, and educational experiences
    Encouraging children to explore their interests and passions
    Helping children develop good study habits
    Providing children with the time and space to read, write, and learn on their own
    Enrolling children in educational programs or activities that align with their interests and goals.


About Amy T. Smith

Amy is a mother, writer, and your go-to expert for real-life insights into parenting, health, and lifestyle. Amy holds a Master's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and prides herself on finding actionable tips and relatable tales.

Through her blog, AmyandRose, she supports you from pregnancy to the teenage years, offering assurance that your experiences are shared.

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