The arrival of babies is not only tough for the parents but also for the babies. Just as the parents need time to adjust to their new roles and responsibilities after the baby, similarly babies need time to adjust to their new environment.
The only home that babies know before coming to this world is their mothers’ warm cozy womb. Therefore, it is natural for babies to cry during the first few weeks after their birth. They feel unsafe and scared of their surroundings.
Babies feel safe and secure in their new environment if they sense their caregivers around. It helps them to relax and become familiar with their surroundings. The time when the baby is most relaxed is when he breastfeeds.

Not only do babies satiate their hunger from breast milk but, the action of sucking soothes them. However, a baby cannot be breastfed for long continuous hours as overfeeding them is extremely unsafe and neither the mothers have the entire day to leave everything else and feed the baby.
This is when the bibs dummies come to the rescue. Dummies help the baby to satisfy their sucking instincts and to stay happy and relaxed. Dummies for babies are either made up of a silicone or a rubber teat that they can suck. The teat is firmly attached to a plastic shield and handle that prevents it from swallowing or choking on the teat.
Buying a dummy for your baby isn’t a must. It is completely fine if you don’t want your baby to use a dummy. Many parents do not make their babies use the dummy because of the fear of choking and suffocation. However, a large majority of the parents are a strong supporter of the fact that baby dummies help the baby to relax and fall asleep peacefully.
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Benefits Of Dummies
Satisfies Sucking Instinct
Babies feel safe and relaxed when they suck on. It helps them to feel protected and comfortable in their new environment. A baby dummy easily satisfies the sucking instinct of the baby when he cannot breastfeed.
Helps the Baby to Sleep
The majority of parents give feeding-bottle to their babies to help them fall asleep faster. Giving the feeding bottle will not only make his clothes, blanket, mattress, etc. dirty, but it also poses a risk of choking.
Dummies are a good replacement for the bottle during nap times. The baby can suck on it and fall asleep easily.
Reduces Pain
Babies can easily get cranky and throw a tantrum when taken to the hospital for medical procedures or vaccinations. The pain caused by these procedures can be difficult for the baby to endure. However, if the baby sucks on a dummy, it helps to reduce his pain by soothing him.
If you are already using a dummy or planning to introduce it to your baby, then we would strongly suggest that you read the safety checks that we compiled for using a baby dummy. It will help you to make sure that you are using the dummy the right way and it is safe for your baby.
8 Safety Checks For Dummies For Baby
Don’t Give Dummy Every Time the Baby Cries
Newborns love to suck. They find the sucking action very soothing and calming. For this purpose, many parents resort to buying dummies to make their babies feel comfortable and relaxed.
However, the majority of the parents make the mistake of using the pacifiers as the first thing to calm down a crying baby. Before you give the dummy to the baby, make sure that the baby needs it.
A baby can cry for numerous reasons, for instance, he can be hungry, sleepy, scared, or wants his diaper to be changed. Understand why your baby is crying and getting fussy and then decide whether to give him the dummy or not. Often the babies are hungry and parents give them a pacifier instead of feeding them.
Choose The Best Baby Dummy
Before buying anything for the baby, parents make sure that it is safe and hygienic for their baby. Whenever you decide to get a dummy for your baby makes sure to choose nothing but the best. After all, the dummy will go inside his mouth and be sucked.
Consider the following points before selecting dummies for babies:
- Select a dummy with a shield and ventilation hole. In case if the baby inserts the whole thing in his mouth it will prevent the hazard of suffocation.
- Try to buy the dummies with a latex teat as they are much softer than the regular silicone ones.
- Make it a habit to check the dummy every time you give it to the baby. Check if the handle and the teat are firmly intact and will not come out if the baby pulls it hard.
- After every use, check for wear and tears. Babies sometimes press it harder which puts a crack on even the best baby dummy. Immediately discard the dummy if it has cracks on it as the germs can easily enter and harm the baby’s tummy.
- Try to get an Orthodontic dummy for your baby. They are designed by keeping in view the development of babies’ teeth and jaws. They are comparatively flatter than the traditional dummies.
Sterilize Bibs Dummies
More than anything, bibs dummies need cleaning and sterilization. Babies put the dummy inside their mouth and suck it. Their tongues and gums come in contact with the teat.
Make sure that after every use you wash it with soapy water. For sterilizing the dummies, boil the water and place the dummy inside it for 5 minutes. Let it cool before giving it to your baby.
Never leave the dummy in direct sunlight to dry. The heat can cause the rubber to deteriorate. Let it dry naturally in the air or wipe it clean with a soft cloth.
Don’t Tie Dummy Around Baby’s Neck
Some parents tie the dummy on a string or a ribbon around the baby’s neck. This may look like a wonderful idea to instantly give the dummy to the baby when he needs it but it can be fatal for the baby.
Never tie a pacifier around a baby’s neck as they cannot take off that string by themselves and can increase the risk of strangulation.
Avoid Flavoring the Dummy
It is a very common practice by the parents to dip the dummy in sweet juices and then give it to the baby.
This is especially done when the baby is given the medicine. Dipping the dummy in sweet juices will cause tooth decay. Furthermore, do not dip it in honey. Honey can cause botulism, which is a kind of food poisoning in babies.
Therefore, do not put anything on a pacifier. Just clean it thoroughly and give it to the baby.
Don’t Make Dummies At Home
DIYs are awesome. They not only help you to make some cool stuff but also help you to save a few dollars. Many parents try to experiment to make dummies at home by using bottle nipples, caps, and other materials.
While this may help them save a few dollars, they are putting their babies’ lives in great danger. Dummies made at home are not suitable for the baby. The teat is not much strong and can easily be removed by the baby with a little pull. This can result in choking which might be detrimental for the baby.
Limit the Time
A dummy can soothe and calm a cranky baby. It also helps them to fall asleep faster and peacefully. But, parents should control the use of dummies.
If a baby becomes habitual of using a dummy for prolonged hours then he might face a delay in speech development. Using a dummy during playtime or active hours can prevent the baby from blabbering and trying to speak. It can delay the development of speech.
Don’t Force the Baby
Let your baby set the pace. If some other babies in your family have started to use the dummy and your baby hasn’t then it’s completely fine. Every child is different and so are his needs.
Introduce the best baby dummy to them but, never force them to keep it in their mouth. Observe how your baby reacts to the dummy and then increase or decrease the time of its use.
Pulling The Plug!
Dummies are a great weapon when it comes to relaxing and calming a baby. However, it has its risks and dangers. Therefore, it is strongly advisable to all the parents to never leave the babies unattended while they are using the pacifiers, especially if they are new to it.
Babies press and pull the teat which might tear and risk the life of the baby. Buy a good quality dummy from a trusted brand for your baby. Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully about the usage, cleaning, and life of the dummy. Also, don’t make the baby use the same dummy for more than 2 months, it can harm his stomach.