Cool 5 Minutes Craft Videos For Kids With Free Printables

Updated: August 20, 2024 | Published:

If you are a teacher, a parent, a nanny, or any position that involves engaging children, then you are in the right place. Kids’ crafts are an amazing way to keep children engaged while also getting educated and exploring their creativity.

They involve using different easily found home materials to create art and crafts. They help mentally engage the children and help them improve their motor skills because of the use of their hands, feet, and other body parts. It poses a good way to learn things in a fun way while improving the literacy and education of the children. Presenting their artworks to their teachers or parents also helps improve their communication and thinking skills while also raising their self-esteem and self of achievement.

Kids' Craft

Hence, kids’ crafts should be encouraged as much as possible. Now, even though there are a plethora of craft videos online, it can be a bit overwhelming and pose a difficult task to select which ones are the best. So, to solve your little problem, we are bringing the videos to you and with free printables too. Without further ado, check out the 5 minutes craft for kids videos.

Frog Lifecycle Story Wheel

A fun craft way of learning more about frogs. As stated, it comes with a free printable that is necessary to do the craft. The printable outlines the life cycle of the frog in 4 sections.

For this craft, you would need the printed template, thick cardboard – letter size, a pair of scissors, glue, and a split pin. Firstly, you glue the printed template to the cardboard. Next, you cut the template along the lines. Lastly, you punch a hole in the provided middle and insert the split pin. Viola! You are done.

Frog Learning Fan

For this project, you are provided with a free template with various facts about different species of frogs for your fan. Asides from the free template, you would also need thick cardboard – letter size, a pair of scissors, glue, and a split pin. First, you glue the printed templates to the cardboard. Next, you cut out the template along the lines. You should have about 11 blades for your fan. Third, punch a hole in the designated places in the fan blades and insert the split pin.

Frog Cootie Catcher

Who does not love a good cootie catcher? This project is very easy to do and all you need is the printable template and a pair of scissors. Firstly, cut the template along the lines. Next, you should read the instructions provided on how to fold the cootie catcher. Once you have done this, proceed to fold and there you have it.

Frog Flash Cards

Flashcards are a nice and effective method of remembering varied information, frog species inclusive. Here, you would need the printable template and a pair of scissors. Once you have this, cut the template along the designated lines with your scissors and that is it. As a bonus, also provided are a batch of blank flashcards. You also cut them out using the same process and they can be used to test memory and knowledge.

Autumn Crafts

This explains 6 different crafts to occupy kids during Autumn. They include a woodland animal play bin; a “let’s move like forest animals” game; pom pom acorns, a picture checklist for treasure hunting outside, a cool woodland pennant, and lastly, a veggie snack arranged to look like an owl. We are sure these should keep the kids engaged and having fun for a long time.

Halloween Crafts

Halloween Craft

Here, we have 6 cool crafts for the spooky Halloween period. You can find tutorials on a last-minute DIY costume, an anti-ghost spray, and a monster door. There are also tutorials on some yummy Halloween snacks like hulk pasta, mummy hot dogs and cookie bats, and spiders. If this is not fun, we do not know what is.

Animals that live in the Savanna

This video is exceedingly informative as it teaches the children about what kind of animals live in the savanna, the food that they eat while teaching cool crafts to help learning and retention. They will learn about the behaviors of animals like the giraffe, lion, African Elephant among many others.



We bet that most kids love dogs, so why not learn much more about them and their behavior? This video explains more about dogs and gives insight into popular dog breeds. It also explains what they were used for and most importantly how to make cool dog crafts. It’s fun and has to do with really cute animals.

Jungle animals

Have your kids ever been to the jungle? In this video, they will get to see and learn more information about jungle animals and what kind of animals stay in the jungle. It also shows the children what these jungle animals eat and how to make lots of jungle crafts. Who wouldn’t want to see alligators and toucans in their natural habitat?

Woodland animals

This video allows kids to learn more facts about woodland animals and their behaviors. It also helps them see why visiting the forest is so much fun and exciting. They can see what kinds of animals live in the forest and what makes up their diet. Lastly, they learn how to make awesome forest animal arts and crafts. We know they will want to go to the woods during their next holiday.

Farm animals

We know you know how fun farms are and this video is here to give you more reasons to head over there next summer. The kids get to see in the video, the animals that live on a farm and what they are fed. More importantly, the kids get to learn how to make exciting farm crafts to aid their lesson retention.


These crafts, educational bits, and free printed templates are awesome ways of engaging children and teaching them important aspects of life like the environment, animals, and celebratory periods. They also learn how fun things can be if they do it by themselves. They would get to work with their hands, manage their projects, work with partners, ask questions and be generally engaged and present.

So, why not incorporate them into your teaching guide and let learning be fun? Lastly, remember to supervise the kids’ use of sharp objects like pairs of scissors to make sure they are always playing safe. Have fun making fun crafts!


About Amy T. Smith

Amy is the co-founder of AmyandRose and has been sharing her expertise on parenting, health, and lifestyle for several years. Based in Portland, she is a mother to two children—a teenager and a five-year-old—and has a Master's degree in Journalism from Columbia University.

Amy's writing offers practical advice and relatable stories to support parents through every stage, from pregnancy to the teenage years.

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