French Boy Names are usually divided into new first names, less-known names, and old-fashioned French boy names. The new names are sometimes taken from German, Latin, or Greek.
The old-fashioned names are the ones that haven’t been used for a few decades now. They can be resurrected if necessary.
The popularity of boy names is usually the deciding factor in naming children.
Parents want their children to fit into the world and be popular. This also increases the chances of their children being successful and happy. And that’s why French boy names are gaining popularity every day.
Most French boy names are religious. This is because most of them come from the Bible or its characters.
However, secular French boy names also describe nature and animals like the sun.
These names were popular in medieval times because people who had them believed they would inherit their traits, characteristics, and virtues.
The popularity of French male names also depends on the country they are being used in. Some names are really popular in some countries but not so much in others.
One common thing everywhere is that people want to give their children a unique name that no one else would have, whether it’s because of its meaning or spelling.
The list below contains the most popular French male names. If you know any other unusual French boy name, you can share it using the comment form at the end of this page.
Also, check out our list of 35000+ baby names, French girl names, and strong boy names.

Table of Contents
790+ French First Boy Names – Male Names and Meanings
French Male Names Starting with A
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Abdou | Great Ability To Focus On Each Work | African, Arabic, French | Islam |
Abel | Vanity Or Breath Or Tansitory | French, Hebrew, Portuguese | Christianity |
Abelino | Pet Form Of Avila | French, German, Spanish | Christianity |
Abi | Priest | French, Hebrew, Turkish | Judaism |
Achille | Old Greek – Pain, Lipless | French, Italian, Latin | Christianity |
Achraf | Most Honorable One | Australian, English, French | Christianity |
Adam | Man, Earth | Czech, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Irish, Israeli, Jewish, Malay, Slovak, Swedish | |
Adami | My Man, Red, Earthy, Human | Australian, Biblical, French | Christianity |
Adamo | Son Of Red Earth, First Man To Come To Life | Australian, Biblical, French, Spanish | Christianity |
Adamson | Son Of Adam, A Derivative From Adam | Australian, Biblical, French | Christianity |
Adde | Noble, Kind, Wise, Polite | Australian, English, French | Christianity |
Addi | Noble, Nobility | Australian, English, French | Christianity |
Adrianna | From Harida | French, Latin | |
Agathon | Good | English, French, Greek | Christianity |
Aicha | Life | Arabic, French | |
Aimeeloved | Loved | French | |
Alard | German – Noble Strength | Dutch, French, German | Christianity |
Alfric | Elf King | Anglo Saxon, French, Italian | Christianity |
Alfrid | Wise Counselor, Old English : Elf Counsel | English, French, Italian | Christianity |
Alger | Old English: Elf Spear, French: Moustachioed | English, French | Christianity |
Alisen | Of the nobility | French | |
Alma | Soul | Argentina, Danish, French, Latin, Spanish | |
Almund | Noble Protection, Defender Of The Temple | Anglo Saxon, French, German | Christianity |
Alnoth | Noble, Bold, Daring | English, French, German | Christianity |
Alois | German – Famous Warrior | French, German | Christianity |
Aloisio | German – Fame, Loud, Fighter, Warrior | French, German, Greek | Christianity |
Aloys | A Famous Warrior, A Quick Thinker And A Very Warm Hearted Individual | French | |
Aloysisus | German – Fame And War French – Famous Warrior | French, German, Latin | Christianity |
Aloysius | A Strong And Famous Warrior With A Conservative And Reliable Beings | French, Latin | |
Alpine | Latin – White, Blond, Fair One | French, Latin, Spanish | Christianity |
Aluin | English: Noble, Wise Friend | English, French | Christianity |
Alvia | Noble War, Their Sensitive, Friendly, Creative And Intuitive Nature Attracts People | French | |
Amelot | Arthur’s Castle | French | |
Andrae | A Mighty, Manly And Hard Working Defender | French | |
Anna | Name Of A King, Food, Grain, Earth And Water, God | Belgian, Chamorro, Cyprus, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Frisian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indian, Italian, Latvian, Sicilian, Slavic, Slovak, Spanish, Swiss, Ukrainian | Hindu |
Antoine | Latin – Priceless, Inestimable | Dutch, French, Latin | Christianity |
Apostol | A Pious And Serious Man | French | |
Aramis | Name Of One Of The Three Musketeers | French | Christianity |
Archard | Powerful | English, French | Christianity |
Archer | An English Bowman Usually A Surname | French, Teutonic | |
Archerd | Powerful | English, French | Christianity |
Armand | Army Person, Soldier Who Is Very Brave And Powerful | French | |
Artagnan | Name Of One Of The Three Musketeers, It Means Leader | English, French | Christianity |
Astin | A Strong Leader Who Is Trustworthy | French | |
Auberi | Rule Of An Elf, Powerful And Kind Hearted | French, German | |
Aubertin | French Name Derived From Aubert | French | |
Aubery | A Blond Ruler | French | |
Aubray | Ruler Of The Alves | French | |
Aubrey | A Blond And A Elf Ruler | French | |
Audra | Nobility And Strength In A Person | French | |
Audric | Germanic – Old And Powerful Ruler | French, German | Christianity |
Auger | Name Derived From The French Personal Alger | French | |
Aurelianus | A Golden And Gilded Person, Shiny Haired | French | |
Austin | One Who Has A Magic Dignity, Great Person | French, Latin | |
Avent | One Who Is Born During Advent | French | |
Avere | They Are The Best Counsell And A Wise Judge | French | |
Avignon | Name Of A Place, The One Who Who Came From France | French | |
Awtry | A Man Of Noble Strength | French | |
Ayer | The One Who Is The Heir | French | |
Ayers | Community Name | French |
French Male Names Starting with B
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Bail | One Who Has Lived By The Outer Wall Of A Castle | French | |
Baines | The Son Of Einws | French, Welsh | |
Baltasar | Protected By God | French, Portuguese, Spanish | |
Baltazar | Protected By God | French | |
Balthazar | Protected By God | French, Greek | Greek |
Balzac | It Is The Name Of A French Writer | French | |
Banner | Flag | French, United States | Christianity |
Baptiste | Baptizer | French, Portuguese | Christianity |
Barbaros | Bravo, Fierce | French | Christianity |
Bard | Poet, Minstrel, A Singer-Poet, One Who Sings Ballads | French, United States | Christianity |
Barden | Lives Near The Boar’s Den, Boar’s Den | French, United States | Christianity |
Bardene | From The Boar Valley | French, United States | Christianity |
Bardolph | Axe-Wolf | French, United States | Christianity |
Bardon | Minstrel, Singer-Poet, Barley Valley | French, United States | Christianity |
Bardot | French Surname | French | Christianity |
Barhloew | Lives On The Bare Hill | French | Christianity |
Barnabe | Son Of Prophecy | French, Hebrew | Christianity |
Barnett | Leader, From The Land That Was Burned, Noble Man | French, United States | Christianity |
Barnum | From The Nobleman’s Home | French, United States | Christianity |
Barrak | Flash Of Lightning | French | Christianity |
Barre | Gateway, French – Pole | French | |
Barrick | Grain Farm, A Barley Farm | French, United States | Christianity |
Barrie | Lives At The Barrier, Fair-Haired, From The Land That Was Burned, Sharp, Pointed, Bear-Strength | French, United States | Christianity |
Barrymore | Pointed Object | French | Christianity |
Barthelemy | Farmer’s Son | French, Hebrew | Christianity |
Barthram | Illustrious, Glorious Raven | French, United States | Christianity |
Bartleah | From Bart’s Meadow | French, United States | Christianity |
Bartlomiej | Son Of Talmai, Farmer’s Son | French | Christianity |
Bartolome | Ploughman, Farmer’s Son | French | Christianity |
Bartram | Glorious Raven, Bright Raven | French, United States | Christianity |
Barwolf | Ax Wolf | French, United States | Christianity |
Basilios | Royal | French | Christianity |
Basse | Wild Boar | French | Christianity |
Bastien | Respected, Well-Regarded | French, Spanish | Christianity |
Baudelaire | A Short Sword | French | Christianity |
Baudet | The Joyful One | French | Christianity |
Baudry | One Who Is Bold And Powerful | French | Christianity |
Bayard | With Red-Brown Hair | French | Christianity |
Bayley | Steward | French | Christianity |
Bear | Courageous, Brave, Daring | French | Christianity |
Beatus | Blessed, Happy | French | Christianity |
Beau | Beautiful, Handsome | French | Christianity |
Beaudean | A Shelter, Protection, Cover | French | Christianity |
Beaudouin | A Brave Friend | French | Christianity |
Beaumont | Beautiful Mountain | French | Christianity |
Beauregard | Beautiful, Handsome | French | Christianity |
Beaw | A Beautiful One | French | Christianity |
Beceere | Lives By The Beech Tree | French, United States | Christianity |
Bede | Prayer, Name Of A Historian | French, United States | Christianity |
Beecher | Lives By The Beech Tree, Place Name | French, United States | Christianity |
Beldan | Lives In The Beautiful Glen | French, United States | Christianity |
Beldane | Lives In The Beautiful Valley | French, United States | Christianity |
Belden | From The Fair Valley | French | Christianity |
Belial | Wicked, Worthless | French | Christianity |
Bellamy | Good Friend | French | Christianity |
Bellinor | Beautiful And Dark Person | French | Christianity |
Belmont | From A Beautiful Hill | French | Christianity |
Belot | A Name Of A Card Game | French | Christianity |
Beman | French – Lovely Hill | French | |
Bemelle | Strong As A Bear | French, United States | Christianity |
Benaiah | Son Of The Lord | French | Christianity |
Benard | From Bernard | French | Christianity |
Benedictus | Blessed, Happy, Enjoying Happiness, Specifically : Enjoying The Bliss Of Heaven | French | Christianity |
Benett | Blessed | French | Christianity |
Beni | Plait Of Hair, Blessed | French, Portuguese | Christianity |
Benjie | Diminutive Of Benjamin, Right-Hand Son, Son Of The Right Hand | French | Christianity |
Benjiman | Son Of The Right Hand | French, United States | Christianity |
Benn | Born Of The Right Hand, Abbreviation Of Benjamin And Benedict, Son | French, United States | Christianity |
Benoit | Form Of Benedict | French | Christianity |
Bensen | Ben’s Son, Surname, Be Diligent | French | Christianity |
Beomann | Beekeeper | French, United States | Christianity |
Beore | Birch Tree | French, United States | Christianity |
Beretun | From The Barley Farm | French, United States | Christianity |
Berford | From The Barley Ford | French, United States | Christianity |
Berge | To Help | French | Christianity |
Berkeley | From The Birch Tree Meadow, Place Name, Where Birches Grow | French, United States | Christianity |
Berkley | From The Birch Tree Meadow, Place Name, Where Birches Grow | French, United States | Christianity |
Berle | A Water Parsnip | French | Christianity |
Bernad | Strong And Brave As A Bear | French | Christianity |
Bernal | Strong Bear | French, Spanish | Christianity |
Bernard | Bold As A Bear | French | Christianity |
Bernardin | Brave | French | Christianity |
Bernardino | Brave, Brave As A Bear | French, Spanish | Christianity |
Bernd | Brave Like A Bear | French | Christianity |
Bernhardus | Brave Like A Bear | French | Christianity |
Bernon | Brave As A Bear | French | Christianity |
Bernt | Hill, Mount, Brave Like A Bear | French | Christianity |
Berny | Derived From Bernard | French | Christianity |
Berton | From The Fortified Town, Place Name, Bright Settlement, Glorious Ruler, Bright Raven | French, United States | Christianity |
Berwyk | From The Barley Grange | French, United States | Christianity |
Beven | Youthful, Son Of Evan | French | Christianity |
Bevon | Evan’s Son | French | Christianity |
Bijou | Jewel | French | Christianity |
Bille | Will, Desire, Helmet, Protection | French | Christianity |
Birde | Bird | French, United States | Christianity |
Biren | From The Place Of Sheds | French | Christianity |
Birkett | Lives At The Birch Headland | French, United States | Christianity |
Birkey | From The Birch Tree Island | French, United States | Christianity |
Biron | Surname Used As A Given Name, Place Name, Barn For Cows | French, United States | Christianity |
Birtel | From The Bird Hill | French, United States | Christianity |
Biuon | One Who Has Good Fortune And Good Heart | French | Christianity |
Blaed | Wealthy Glory | French | Christianity |
Blakey | Dark Complexioned, Blond | French, United States | Christianity |
Blanchard | White Or Fair | French | Christianity |
Blanco | Blond, Fair, White | French, Spanish | Christianity |
Blanford | From The Gray Ford, Gray Man’s Ford | French, United States | Christianity |
Blayne | Slender, Thin | French, United States | Christianity |
Bleu | The Color Blue | French | Christianity |
Bogart | One Who Is A Strong Bowman | French | Christianity |
Bon | A Good Person, One Who Acts In A Good Manner | French | Christianity |
Bonamy | She Who Is Good Firend | French | Christianity |
Boone | A Good Person Who Is Blessed | French, Old French | Christianity |
Boyce | One Who Lives Next To The Woods | French | |
Bray | Border, Or Hillside | French | Christianity |
Briek | The Elf Ruler | French | Christianity |
Brissen | A Clumsy Person Who Breaks Things | French | Christianity |
Brown | Brown, Colour Name, Russet-Complected | French | |
Brunel | A Small Brown Person | French | Christianity |
Brycen | A Speckled Man’s Son | French | Christianity |
Bucge | One With A Large Mouth | French | Christianity |
Buiron | One Who Comes From The Cottage | French | Christianity |
Bunyan | A Swelling Man | French | Christianity |
Burdett | One Who Is Like A Little Bird | French | Christianity |
Burdo | Pilgrim, Carrying A Pilgrim’s Staff | French, Norman | Christianity |
Burgundy | A Name Of The Region In France. Also, A Specific Shade Of Purple | French | Christianity |
Burke | He Came From The Fortress | French | Christianity |
Burket | One Who Is From The Birch Stronghold | French | Christianity |
Burkett | One Who Is From The Little Stronghold | French | Christianity |
Byran | He Comes From The Cottage | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with C
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Cab | One Who Makes Ropes | French | Christianity |
Cabail | A Man Who Makes Ropes | French | Christianity |
Cabot | One Who Loves To Sail | French | Christianity |
Cabott | A Man Who Is A Sailor | French | Christianity |
Candido | He Glows White | French | Christianity |
Cannan | He Is An Official Of The Church | French | Christianity |
Cannon | A Man Who Is A Churches Official | French | Christianity |
Canon | An Administrator Of The Church | French | Christianity |
Carel | He Who Is Very Strong | French | Christianity |
Carolos | He Is Powerful, Strong One | French, Greek | Christianity, Greek |
Carolus | A Strong Champion | French | Christianity |
Carvel | One Who Lives In The Swamp | French | Christianity |
Carvell | One Who Is From The Swamp | French | Christianity |
Carville | One Who Comes From The Swampy Dwelling | French | Christianity |
Cecile | He Who Is Blind | French, Latin | Christianity |
Celeste | A Heavenly Body | French, Latin | Christianity |
Celestina | A Heavenly Or A Celestial Individual | French, Italian, Spanish | Christianity |
Celestine | Based On Caelestis, A Heavenly Person | French | Christianity |
Cerne | The Dark Complexion One | French | Christianity |
Cezanne | Name Of An Artist Seeking Freedom | French | Christianity |
Chance | The One Who Has Good Fortune | English, French | Christianity |
Chanceller | The One Having Good Luck | English, French | Christianity |
Chancellor | A Gamble, Fortunate | English, French | Christianity |
Chandell | A Candle | French | Christianity |
Chandelle | Everlasting Candle | French | Christianity |
Chandler | A Candle-Maker And Seller | French | Christianity |
Chandley | A Candle Seller | French | Christianity |
Chane | The Oe Having A Strong Oak-Heart | French, Swahili | Christianity |
Chaney | An Oak Plant | French | Christianity |
Chauncy | Based On A Name Of A Place In France, Fortune | French | Christianity |
Chayce | A Huntsman | French | Christianity |
Cheney | Growing From The Oak Grove | French | Christianity |
Chesare | French Variation Of Ceaser | French, Latin | Christianity |
Chevalier | One Who Rides A Horse | French | Christianity |
Chevelier | Man Riding A Horse | French | Christianity |
Chevis | A Thick Bodied Fish | French | Christianity |
Chevy | A Horseman | French | Christianity |
Cheyne | The Hard, Oak Hearted One | French | Christianity |
Christofor | One Who Has Christ Within | French | Christianity |
Christophe | Bearing Christ, The Son Of God | French | Christianity, Greek |
Chuckie | A Free Man | French, German | Christianity |
Cirroc | Top Of The Summit, Peak Of The Mountain Or Hill | French | Christianity |
Clair | One Who Is Clear, Bright, Shiny, One Who Is Famous | French | Christianity |
Claudin | Name Of A French King’s Son, Claudas | French | Christianity |
Clovis | Derived From The Name Of A French King | French | Christianity |
Cloyd | One Who Works With Hammers And Nails | French | Christianity |
Coeur | The Most Vital Organ Of The Human Body, The Heart | French | Christianity |
Colyn | The Triumph Of The People | French | Christianity |
Conuoge | One Who Is An United Man | French | Christianity |
Corby | A Young, New Born Crow, That Is A Few Weeks Old | French | Christianity |
Corbyn | One Whose Hair Is As Black As The Bird Raven’s Colour | French | Christianity |
Corentin | A Hurricane, A Violent Storm Or Tornado | French | Christianity |
Cornett | Horn Or Horn Blower, Refers To The One Who Blows Horns | French | Christianity |
Corvin | One Whose Hair Is Like A Raven’s | French | Christianity |
Coty | Helpful, Shield, Protective Individual | French | |
Courtenay | Short Nosed | French | |
Courteney | Short Nosed, Domain Of Curtuis | French | |
Coyne | Humble, Down To Earth, Reticent | French | |
Creasy | Graceful, Pleasant, Kind | English, French | |
Crescens | To Get Bigger, Develop, Sprout | Biblical, French | |
Crescent | The Phase Of The Moon | Biblical, French | |
Cristobal | Someone Who Holds Christ In Their Heart | Biblical, French | Christianity |
Cuss | Harsh Term | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with D
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
D’Aubigné | From Albinus’ Place | French, Norman | Christianity |
Damiana | The One Who Tames | French, Greek | Christianity, Greek |
Danrelle | New And Fresh | French | Christianity |
Dantin | Name Of A Place, Habitational | French | Christianity |
Danton | Love From God | French | Christianity |
Darel | One From The Airelle, Lovely | French | Christianity |
Darell | Word For Huckleberry, Beloved | French | Christianity |
Dariel | Wide Open | French | Christianity |
Darl | Beloved Person | French | Christianity |
Darral | Open One | French | Christianity |
Darrell | A Good And Steady Worker | French, Old French | Christianity |
Darren | Strong As An Oak Tree | French | Christianity |
Darryll | Open Minded | French | Christianity |
Dartagnan | A Created Name | French | Christianity |
Darvell | Town Where Eagles Live | French | Christianity |
Daryl | One Which Is Open | English, French | Christianity |
Dash | One From Chiel | French | Christianity |
Davignon | Dearly Loved Person | French | Christianity |
Dawid | Greatest King Of Israel, Beloved | English, French | Christianity |
Dax | Name Of A Town In France, Water | English, French | Christianity |
Degare | A Lost One, Stray | French | Christianity |
Dejah | A Fun Loving Person, Pleasant One | French | Christianity |
Del | The One Who Is Of The Valley | English, French | Christianity |
Delaine | A Growing Individual, Alder Tree | French | Christianity |
Delancey | A Creative And Unique Individual | French | Christianity |
Delancy | One Who Grows Out Of Elder Grove | French | Christianity |
Delane | A Tall And Handsome Being, Elder Tree | French | Christianity |
Delaynie | A Dark Challenger From The Woods | French | Christianity |
Delmas | Person Who Lives In Isolation | French | Christianity |
Delmer | One Who Resides Near A Sea | French, Latin | Christianity |
Delroy | One Who Is Born Of The King | French | Christianity |
Demont | One Who Is Filled With Desires, Mountain | French | Christianity |
Denard | Short Form Of Bernard, Creative Being | French | Christianity |
Dennes | One Who Is Nourishing Individual | French, Greek | Christianity |
Dennet | A Loving An Famous Saint | French | Christianity |
Denver | Name Of A State In Colorado | English, French | Christianity |
Deonte | A Traveller Who Has A Outstanding Personality | African, French | Christianity |
Deor | Golden One | French | Christianity |
Diandre | A Blend Of Dion And Andre, Heavenly Flower | French | Christianity |
Didier | One Who Has A Desire Or Longing | French | Christianity |
Dietbold | Bold And Brave One | French | Christianity |
Dilan | One Who Is Near The Sea, Healthy | French, Welsh | Christianity |
Dior | Golden, One Who Has A Open Heart | French | Christianity |
Dmonte | Someone Who Is Expressive, Determined, Diplomatic And Of Refined Nature | French | Christianity |
Do | Someone Who Is Independent, Confident And Has Qualities Like A Leader | French, United States | Christianity |
Domenique | Someone Who Is Unique And Special | French | Christianity |
Donatien | Present, A Beautiful Gift | French | Christianity |
Douger | A Capable And Mature Person | French | Christianity |
Dougray | A Well Behaved Person | French | Christianity |
Dozier | A Willow Tree, One Who Lives In A Plantation, Basket Maker | French | Christianity |
Drazik | A Serious And Level Headed Person | French | Christianity |
Dru | Warrior, Wise, Someone Who Is Loved By All | French | Christianity, Greek |
Duralabh | An Enduring And Compasionate Person | French, Latin | Christianity |
Duran | A Firm And Enduring Human Being | French, Italian, Latin | Christianity |
Duranjaya | They Are Enduring And Longlasting | French | Christianity |
Dureau | Strong, Determined And Stubborn | French | Christianity |
Duval | Who Comes From The Valley | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with E
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Ed | A Prosperous Or Wealthy Guard And Provides Protection | French | Christianity |
Eddie | One Who Is Rich In Friendship, Wealthy Protector | French | Christianity |
Eduard | Guardian Of Richess, One Who Spends | French | Christianity |
Eduuard | Prosperous Guardian, A Perfect Compannion | French | Christianity |
El | Derived From Eleanor | English, French | Christianity |
Elldrich | An Aged And Wise Ruler, Sage | French, Teutonic | Christianity |
Eloi | The One Who Has A Restless And Brave Spirit | French, Spanish | Christianity |
Elois | A Brave And Famous Warrior | French | Christianity |
Eloy | A Chosen One Who Is A French Saint | French | Christianity |
Emanual | Lord Almighty Be With Us | Biblical, French | Christianity |
Emanuel | God Is With Us | Biblical, French | Christianity |
Emeril | A Powerful Leader Is Often Denoted By This Name | French | Christianity |
Emile | Excellence | French, United States | Christianity |
Emps | A Commander | French, German | Christianity |
Erek | Always Mighty | French | Christianity |
Erembourc | A French Mythological Character Who Rides Shadows | French | Christianity |
Esmae | Respected | French | Christianity |
Esmay | Esteemed Or To Love | French | Christianity |
Esme | Esteem | French | Christianity |
Esperance | Hope | French, Spanish | Christianity |
Esperaunce | To Dream Or To Hope | French | Christianity |
Esprit | Spirit | French | Christianity |
Estienne | Star Or Crowned | French | Christianity |
Ethan | Strong Or Gift Of The Island | Australian, Biblical, British, Chamorro, French, Hawaiian, Hebrew | Christianity |
Etienne | Crown | French | Christianity |
Etrit | A Bright Sparkling Radiant Star | French | Christianity |
Eudes | The Name Of A French Saint | French | Christianity |
Eugenie | Novility Or High Born Individual | French, Greek | Christianity, Greek |
French Male Names Starting with F
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Faber | An Occupational Name, For Someone Who Is A Smith | French | Christianity |
Fabien | He Who Grows Beans For A Living | French | Christianity |
Fabion | A Bean Growing Boy | French | Christianity |
Fabrice | A Crafty Man Who Works With His Hands | French | Christianity |
Fabyen | A Man Who Is A Bean Farmer | French | Christianity |
Faron | One Who Is Like A Ferret | French | Christianity |
Ferdinand | A Daring And Brave Journey | English, French | Christianity |
Ferrand | A Man Of Grey Hair | French | Christianity |
Fidele | A Faithful Person | French | Christianity |
Fleur | Flower | French, Irish | Christianity |
Florent | In A Flower Form | French | Christianity |
Fontaine | A Fountain Or Jetspring | French | Christianity |
Forest | Woodlands | French | Christianity |
Forester | A Forest Or Woodland-Ranger | French | Christianity |
Francois | It Refers To Someone With French Descent | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with G
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Gabriel | God Is My Strength | French, Hebrew, Italian, Medieval English, Nigerian, Romanian, Swiss | Christianity |
Gabriell | Heroine Of God | French | Christianity |
Gais | The One Who Is Pleased And Cheerful | French | Christianity |
Galant | A Dashing, Cheerful And Courageous Person | French | Christianity |
Galfrid | The Concord Of God | French, Latin | Christianity |
Garen | Guardian, Guards, Son Of Gary, A Spearman | French | |
Garion | A Form Or Similar To Garry | French | Christianity |
Garllan | Refers To Filled With Flowers And Floras | French | Christianity |
Garnell | The One Who Keeps A Part Of His Surname As His Name | French | Christianity |
Garrin | Guards, guardian | French | Christianity |
Gaspard | French From Of Jasper (Rich In Wealth) | French | Christianity |
Gaston | Refers To A Visitor Or Outsider | French | Christianity |
Gaultier | French – Ruler Of The Army, People Of Power, Army Of Power, Strong Ruler, A Derivative Name Is Gault | French | |
Gauthier | Head Of The Armed Forces | French | Christianity |
Gaylord | The Person Who Is Much Concerned With His Dress And Appearance | French | Christianity |
Genilles | One Who Is Having Moral And Well Mannered Behaviours | French | Christianity |
Geoffroy | Refers To Rest And Peace That Were Provided By God | French | Christianity |
Georgette | The Person Who Works With Soil, Seeds And Plants | French | Christianity |
Geraud | Form Of Gerard (Spear Brave And Strong) | French | Christianity |
Gerrard | One Who Is Mighty With A Spear | French | Christianity |
Gervais | The Supremacy Of The Spear | French | Christianity |
Gervaise | Person Who Is Working For Spear | French | Christianity |
Gerwazy | Teutonic – Warrior, Old French – Spear | French | |
Ghislain | One Who Is A Hostage, A Pledged One | French | Christianity |
Gibbon | Friend With A Gift | French | Christianity |
Gifferd | Plump-Faced | French | Christianity |
Gilberd | Bright Pledge, Shining Pledge | French | Christianity |
Gilbert | Bright Pledge, Shining Pledge | French | Christianity |
Gill | Joy, Gladness | French | Christianity |
Gille | Youthful, Young | French | Christianity |
Gillespie | The Bishop’s Servant | French | Christianity |
Gillis | Vow, Hostage | French | Christianity |
Godelot | Someone Who Loves To Be In Peace, A Peace Of God | French | |
Grandin | A diminutive of Grand | French | Hindu |
Guillaume | A Fearless Defender Who Can Do Anything To Protect His Beloved | French | Hindu |
Guillelmus | A Fearless Defender Who Can Do Anything To Protect His Beloved | French | Hindu |
Guillem | A Fearless Defender Who Can Do Anything To Protect His Beloved | French | Shinto |
Gustav | The Royal Staff Or The Servants Of King | French, German | Christianity |
Gustave | The Royal Staff Or The Servants Of King | French, German | Christianity |
Gustavo | The Royal Staff Or The Servants Of King | French, German, Spanish | Christianity |
Gustavus | The Royal Staff Or The Servants Of King | French, German | Christianity |
Gustaw | The Royal Staff Or The Servants Of King | French, German | Christianity |
Gusztav | The Royal Staff Or The Servants Of King | French, German | Christianity |
Guthlac | Guthlic Was The Name Of An Ancient Saint Of Christianitys | English, French | Christianity |
Guzman | Guz Means God And Man Means A Person O Man, Guzman Means The Man Of God | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with H
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Harbin | Celebrated Soldier, Glorious Warrior | French | Christianity |
Harcourt | From The Fortified Farm, One Of The King’s Party (Shakespearean) | French | Christianity |
Harland | Meadow Of The Hares | French | Christianity |
Harlequin | Mute Pantomime Clown | French | Sikh |
Harvey | Warrior, Soldier | French | Christianity |
Haye | Hedge | French | Christianity |
Henri | Ruler Of An Enclosure | French | Christianity |
Heresa | Catch Or Take Something, To Harvest | French | Christianity |
Hmidou | A French Male Name Of Lost Meaning | French | Hindu |
Holly | Plant With Red Berries | English, French | Christianity |
Hugo | Intelligence | English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Teutonic | Christianity |
Hugues | Germanic – Heart, Mind, Spirit | French, Germanic, Spanish |
French Male Names Starting with I
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Ian | God is Merciful, Gracious | Indian, French | Christianity |
Iban | God id Gracious | Arabic, French | |
Ibrahim | Name of Prophet in Quran | Arabic, French | |
Idir | Noble | Arabic, French | |
Imad | Support | Arabic, French | |
Ira | Wind | Arabic, Indian, French | |
Ivan | Gift of God | Arabic, Indian, French | Christianity |
Iwin | Silent | Arabic, Indian, French |
French Male Names Starting with J
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Jacinth | One Who Grows Hyacinth Flowers | French | Christianity |
Jacque | He Might Be Under God’s Protection | French | Christianity |
Jade | Hebrew – Thankful, Jade Is Green Gemstone, A Pet Form Of Name Jadon | French, Hebrew, Spanish | |
Janvier | One Who Is Born In January | French | Christianity |
Jean-baptiste | John The Baptist | French | Christianity |
Jean-charles | God Is Merciful, God Is Gracious | French | Christianity |
Jean-luc | Person Comes From Lucania Or God Is Full Of Mercy | French, Hebrew | Christianity |
Jean-pierre | God Is Merciful, God Is Gracious | French | Christianity |
Jerome | Old Greek – Sacred Name, One Who Bears A Holy Name | French, Greek | Christianity, Greek |
Jesper | Jasperstone A Nourishing, Warm And Protective Stone | French | Christianity |
Joseph | To Add, To Increase | Cyprus, French, German, Hebrew, Israeli, Jewish | Christianity, Judaism |
Josse | Lord | French, Norman | Christianity |
Jourdaine | Down flowing | French | Hindu |
Jourdon | Down flowing | French | Hindu |
Journee | Day | French | Hindu |
Journey | Creative | French | Hindu |
Jovan | Majestic | French, Macedonian | Hindu |
Juibert | God’s peace | French | Judaism |
Jules | Youthful | French, Latin | Hindu |
Juneau | Young | French | Christianity |
Jupiter | Light, Diety, Father, The Name Was Borne In Roman Mythology By Jupiter, The Supreme God | Finnish, French, Indo European |
French Male Names Starting with K
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Kaarle | Strong | French | Christianity |
Kaarlo | The Strong One | French | Christianity |
Kalle | Strong And Manly | Finnish, French | Christianity |
Kalman | Strong And Masculine | French | Judaism |
Karcsi | Strong, Manly, Masculine | French | Christianity |
Karel | Strong, Manly, Masculine | French, Slavic | Christianity |
Kari | Strong | French, Gaelic, German, Icelandic | Christianity |
Karlens | Strong And Masculine | French | Christianity |
Karlis | Strong And Masculine | French, Latvian | Christianity |
Korbin | Raven | French | Judaism |
Korbyn | Raven | French | Judaism |
Kota | River Bank | French, Japanese | Judaism |
French Male Names Starting with L
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Lac | Lac Comes From A Town Name In Normandy | French | Judaism |
Lafayette | Faith | French | Judaism |
Lamar | Belonging To The Sea | French | Judaism |
Lamarr | The Sea | French | Judaism |
Lancelin | The One Who Serves, Servant | French | Judaism |
Landaine | A Long Hill Or A Ridge, Refers To London | French | Judaism |
Landis | People From The Green Plains | French | Judaism |
Landrey | He Who Is A Powerful Ruler | French | Judaism |
Landy | Ruler With Great Power | French | Judaism |
Lanfranc | A Speaker, Who Speaks Wisely | French | Judaism |
Langley | Englishman, Man Who Comes From England | French | Judaism |
Lanier | Occupational Name, Whool Worker | French | Judaism |
Lannie | Legendary Lands, The Name Is An Abbrevation Of The French Hero Roland | French | Judaism |
Lanny | The Lands That Are Legendary And Famous | French | Judaism |
Laron | The One Who Steals, A Thief | French | Judaism |
Larue | One With A Flaming-Red Hair | French | Judaism |
Lasalle | A Large Entrance Hall, A Foayer | French | Judaism |
Lasonne | A Place Name From La Sonne In France | French | Judaism |
Laurent | From The Place With Laurel Trees | French, Latin | Judaism |
Laurentin | Place Where Laurels Grow | French, Latin | Judaism |
Laurtne | He Who Came From The Place With Laurel Treees | French | Judaism |
Laver | An Action Of Cleaning, Washing Something | French | Judaism |
Lavern | A Land Of Trees, Woodland | French | Judaism |
Leandre | The One Than Is Like A Lion | French | Judaism |
Leavold | Songs Of The Vire Valley | French | Judaism |
Lebeau | The Hansome One, Beautiful Boy | French | Judaism |
Leeroy | The King | French | Judaism |
Lemar | The Sea | French | Judaism |
Lemarr | The Sea | French | Judaism |
Lenard | He Who Has The Blood Of The Lion | French, United States | Judaism |
Lennard | Bold Like A Lion | French | Judaism |
Leo | Lion | Cornish, Finnish, French, Latin, Scottish, Welsh | Greek, Judaism |
Leocadie | Lion | French | Judaism |
Leodegrance | Lion | French | Judaism |
Leonce | Lion | French | Judaism |
Leonidem | The One Who Has The Qualities Of A Lion | French | Judaism |
Leroi | He Who Is A Ruler Of People, A King | French | Judaism |
Leron | To Go In Circle, To Go Around And Around | French | Judaism |
Leroy | A Royal, Morachial One Who Rules Others | French | Judaism |
Lestat | Estate, Status | French | |
Leuit | Place Holder | French | Judaism |
Lever | Hare | French | Judaism |
Leverett | Little Young Rabbit | French | Judaism |
Lewes | Famous Warrior, The One Who Has Fame In The Battle | French | Judaism |
Liam | A Worrior Of Strong Will | Canadian, Chamorro, Dominican Republic, French, Georgian, Hawaiian, Irish, Swedish, Swiss, United States | Judaism |
Lional | Little, Young Lion | French | Judaism |
Lionet | Young Or Small Lion | French | Judaism |
Lisle | One Who Is From The Island | French | Judaism |
Loan | A Light That Is Goos | French | Judaism |
Loic | Warrior Of Great Fame | French | Judaism |
Lonell | A Lion Cub | French | Judaism |
Lothair | The One Who Fights, Fame In Battle | French | Judaism |
Lothaire | Famous Army | French, Gothic | Christianity |
Lou | Famous Soldier, Good Warrior | French, German | Judaism |
Louie | Knight, Warrior | French | Judaism |
Louis | Great Knight, Brave Warrior | French, German, Swiss | Judaism |
Louvain | Place Name, Town In Belgium | French | Judaism |
Lovel | One Who Is Like A Young Wolf | French | Judaism |
Lovell | A Wolf Cub | French | Judaism |
Lovett | Someone Who Has The Qualities Of A Young Wolf | French | Judaism |
Luc | From Lucania, A Region In South Italy | Belgian, French | Judaism |
Lucas | One Who Gives Light | Australian, Brazilian, Canadian, Chamorro, Danish, Dominican Republic, English, French, Frisian, Latin, Norwegian, Swedish, United States | Greek, Judaism |
Lucho | Warrior Of Great Fame | French, Spanish | Judaism |
Ludovic | Famous Warrior | French, Italian | Judaism |
Lueis | A Renowned Fighter | French, German | Judaism |
Luno | One Who Stares At The Moon | French | Judaism |
Lusian | Light | Bretons, French | Christianity |
Lyale | Island | French | Judaism |
Lyonell | One Who Is Compared To A Lion | French, Latin | Judaism |
French Male Names Starting with M
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Macee | French Name Describing A Weapon | French | Judaism |
Maelle | A Chief Or A Prince | French | Judaism |
Maine | French Word For Mainland | French | Judaism |
Maines | One From The New Land | French | Judaism |
Maisan | Old French – Mason, Stoneworker | English, French | |
Maisun | Old French – Mason, Stoneworker | English, French | |
Mallon | One Who Is Very Pleasant | French | Judaism |
Mallorie | Old French – Unhappy, Unlucky | English, French, German | |
Mallot | Noble And Simple | French | Judaism |
Malory | Old French – Unhappy, Unlucky | English, French, German | |
Mansel | From The Manse, Habitational Name From France, Inhabitant Of Le Mans | French | |
Mansell | From The Manse, Habitational Name From France, Inhabitant Of Le Mans | French | |
Marcel | Someone Who Is Strong As A Hammer | French, Latin | Judaism |
Marcelino | A Boy Warrior | French | Judaism |
Marchello | He Is Like A Warrior | French | Judaism |
Margo | Pearl, Nice Girl With Big Eyes, Diminutive Of Margaret | French, German, Hungarian | |
Margor | A French Name For Pearl | French | Judaism |
Marlon | A Small Falcon | French | Judaism |
Marque | He Who Is Like Mars The God Of The War | French | Judaism |
Marquel | A Warlike Person, One Who Is Like The Mars | French | Judaism |
Marquette | Land Owner, A French Habitational Name | French | |
Marquis | A Nobleman Title | French | Judaism |
Marschall | One Who Takes Care Of The Horses | French | Judaism |
Marshal | A Steward, A Man Who Takes Care Of The Horses | English, French | Judaism |
Marshall | Someone Who Is A Horse Caretaker Or A Steward | English, French | Judaism |
Marshel | A Servant Who Takes Care Of The Horses | English, French | Judaism |
Maslyn | A Petitte, Little Twin | French | Judaism |
Massey | A Burden, Prophecy, A French Habitational Place Name | Biblical, French | |
Massin | He Works With The Stone | French | Judaism |
Masson | He Is A Stroneworker | French | Judaism |
Masyn | Someone Who Is Mason, A Stone Worker | French | Judaism |
Matheu | A Gift Of God | French | Judaism |
Matiese | Matthew, One Who Is The Gift Of God | French | Judaism |
Matthieu | French Name For Gift Of God | French | Judaism |
Mattieu | French Name For Gift Of God | French | Judaism |
Mauger | A Spear | French | Judaism |
Maurice | French Name Describing Something Dark | French | Judaism |
Maurin | One Who Has Dark Hair | French | Judaism |
Mayhew | A Boy Who Was The Gif Of God | French | Judaism |
Maysen | A French Occupational Name, Stone Worker | French | |
Meledisant | A Saint Who Serves Jesus, A Servant Saint | French | Judaism |
Mercier | Merchandise, A Merchant, A Trader Who Deals In Textile | French | Judaism |
Meryle | Old French – Black Bird, Combination Of Mary And Louise | French | |
Michel | Messenger Of God | Belgian, French | Judaism |
Michon | The Percious Tallent For The Most High God | French | Judaism |
Milot | A Boastful Soldier, A Proud One | French | Judaism |
Mississippi | A Great River, A Huge River, The Father Of Water | French | Judaism |
Moise | Someone Who Is Naturally Having Skin Of A Dusky Or Dark Color | Egyptian, French | Judaism |
Montague | The Pointed End Of The Mountain | French | Judaism |
Montel | Little Mountain, Royal Mountain | French, Latin | |
Montgomerie | Gomeric’s Hill, Hill Of The Powerful One, From The Mount Of The Rich Man | French | |
Montreal | Imperial Mountain, Royal Mountain, Hill, Little Mountain | French, Latin | |
Mort | From The Town Near The Moor, Dead Sea | English, French | |
Morte | French Word For Dead | French, Gothic | |
Mortimer | A Still Water, Motion-Less Water | French | Judaism |
Morty | From The Town Near The Moor, Dead Sea | English, French | |
Mory | Mory Is Derived From The French Word For Mulberry Tree | Cyprus, French | Christianity |
Myrl | Blackbird Or Of The Sea | French, Welsh | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with N
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Natale | Who Was Born On Jesus Christ’s Birthday | French, Italian | Judaism |
Nathley | The Birth-Day Of Jesus | French | Judaism |
Navarre | The Land Of Plains, A Plain-Land | French | Judaism |
Nellee | The Ultimate Fact, Extraordinary | French | Judaism |
Nichol | The One Who Holds The Winner Title On Behalf Of His People | French | Judaism |
Niles | The One Who Is Very Much Attractive In Talking | French | Greek, Judaism |
Nirish | A Warden Or Custodian | French | Judaism |
Nirmaljeev | Living In The Town Which Is Situated In The Northern Part | French | Judaism |
Nirmaljot | Town That Is Situated In The North Range | French | Judaism |
Nirvikara | Child Was Delivered On Christmas Period | French | Judaism |
Noe | Relaxation Or Harmony Or Concord | French | Judaism |
Noel | The Festival Season Of The Year, Christmas | French | Judaism |
Nohl | Christmas Eve, Celebration Of Christmas | French | Judaism |
Norris | A Warden Or Custodian | French | Judaism |
Norval | Living In The Town Which Is Situated In The Northern Part | French | Judaism |
Norville | Town That Is Situated In The North Range | French | Judaism |
Nowel | Child Was Delivered On Christmas Period | French | Judaism |
French Male Names Starting with O
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Oates | The Charming Love Or Charming Friend | French | Judaism |
Octave | Gentleman, One Who Helps Or Aids Others, Humanitarian | French | Judaism |
Odil | The Man Who Is Always On The Right Path | French | Judaism |
Olever | The Olive Tree Of The Branch Of Olive Represent Peace | French | Judaism |
Olivier | Olive Tree Caretaker | French | Judaism |
Ordric | An Aged Or Wise Ruler | French | Judaism |
Orleans | Make Wrinkled Or Creased | French | Judaism |
Ormondo | The Brightness Of The Light | French | Judaism |
Orrie | Addressing From The Angle | French | Judaism |
Orry | The Cub Of The Bear | French | Judaism |
Orval | A Town Of Gold | French | Judaism |
Orvale | A Own Full Of Gold | French | Judaism |
Orvel | The Golden Shining Person | French | Judaism |
Orville | The Town Or City Which Is Filled By Golden Treasuries | French | Judaism |
Otave | Someone Who Is Born On The Eighth | French | Judaism |
Othon | A Fortunate As Well As Wealthy Personality | French, German | Judaism |
Ottewell | The Prosperous Son Of Otewel | French | Judaism |
Outacite | A Man-Killer | English, French | Judaism |
French Male Names Starting with P
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Pace | One Who Has A Peaceful Nature | Anglo, French | Judaism |
Packard | French – From Picardy | French | |
Padgett | One Who Attends A Noble Person’s House | French | Judaism |
Paget | Someone Who Is Like An Attendant, Is Appreciated | French | Judaism |
Paladin | A Heroic Champion, They Are Like Knight | French | Judaism |
Paris | Handsome Prince From Troy | French, German | Judaism |
Parke | Old French – Park Keeper, Of The Forest | French | |
Parnell | One Who Is Appreciated And Lovabe | English, French | Judaism |
Parrish | A Habitational Name, A Guardian And Loyal Person | French | Judaism |
Parsifal | Pierce The Valley | French | |
Pascale | One Who Is Born On Passover | Dutch, French | Judaism |
Paschal | One Who Is Born On The Day Of Easter | French | Judaism |
Paschall | One Who Is Born On The Day Of Easter | French | Judaism |
Paskal | One Born During Easter | French, Macedonian | Christianity |
Pasquale | Relating To Easter, Born On Passover Day | French, Italian, Latin | |
Patraic | Aristocrat, Name Given To A Saint | French, Irish | Judaism |
Patrice | A Noble Patrician Being, Clear Sighted | French | Judaism |
Patricio | Name Given To A Patrician And A Nobleman | French, Spanish | Judaism |
Patrik | A Noble Patrician, Who Is Sensitive | French | Judaism |
Paulesh | Energetic And Humble | French | Judaism |
Paulette | The One With Idealistic Nature, Helping Nature | French, Indian | Judaism |
Pepin | One Who Is Awe Inspiring, To Tremble | French, German | Judaism |
Percard | It Is A Historical Area Of France | French, German | Judaism |
Percival | Name Of A Knight, From The Valley | French, United States | Judaism |
Percivale | The One Who Pierces The Valley | French, United States | Judaism |
Percy | One Who Pierces The Valley | French, United States | Judaism |
Perkin | Name Given To The Son Of Perkin | French | Judaism |
Perkins | One Who Is The Son Of Perkin | French | Judaism |
Perkinson | The Name Given To Son Of Perkin | French | Judaism |
Perkyn | Name For Little Peter Or A Little Stone | French | Judaism |
Perren | One Who Relies On The Personal Experience | French | Judaism |
Perrin | One Who Likes To Travel, A Rock | French | Judaism |
Philibert | A Friend And A Passionate Lover | French | Judaism |
Philip | A Great Person Who Is The Lover Of Horses | French, Indo European | Greek, Judaism |
Philipa | A Horse’s Friend And A Lover | French | Judaism |
Philippa | A Lover And Friend Of Horses | French | Greek, Judaism |
Philippe | One Who Is The Lover And Friend Of Horses | Belgian, French | Judaism |
Phillbert | A Very Bright And Famous Friend | French | Judaism |
Phillipe | One Who Is Fond Of Horses | French | Judaism |
Piercy | Tough As A Soldier | French | Judaism |
Pierse | One Who Is Very Strong, A Rock | French | Judaism |
Pierson | Another Form Of Peter, A Friendly And Compassionate Person | French | Judaism |
Pilot | An Excellent Man | French | |
Platt | One Who Comes From The Flat Lands | French | |
Porter | One Who Guards The Gates | French, United States | |
Prewitt | The Brave And Courageous Little One | French | |
Pryor | One Who Is The Head Of The Priory | French | |
Purdy | Recluse, A Nickname For Someone Who Made Frequent Use Of The Oath | French | |
Purves | Occupational Name For One Who Obtains Supplies For A Monastery Or Manor Haouse | English, French | |
Purvis | One Who Obtains Supplies For The Manor House Or The Monastery | English, French | |
Purviss | One Who Provides Food For The Manastery Or The House | English, French |
French Male Names Starting with Q
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Quincy | Estate Of The Fifth Son | French, Latin | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with R
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Rabbie | A Bright Flame | French, Scottish | |
Ragener | Ward Of The Forest | French | |
Rahoul | A Wolf Counsel | French | |
Raimond | One Who Guards Wisely | French | |
Raimundo | A Smart Guide | French | |
Ranger | Guardian Of The Forest | French | |
Ranier | A Mighty Advice Giver | French | |
Rao | One Who Is Auspicious | English, French | |
Raphael | God Is A Healer | French, Hebrew | |
Raydell | One Who Behaves Kingly | French | |
Raymund | One Who Is A Wise Protector Of Men | French, German | |
Raynell | One Who Is A Strong Counselor | French | |
Reimundo | A Right Hand Of The Ruler, His Advisor | French | |
Rema | A Deeply Loving And Sensitive Person | French, Indian | |
Remi | Person Who Is An Oarsman, A Rower | French | |
Remy | Someone Who Is An Oarsman. Can Also Mean A Remedy, Cure | French | |
Renaud | One Who Rules With Advice | French | |
Renault | A Very Wise Man Who Advices The Ruler | French | |
Rene | A Reborn Person | French, Slovak | |
Renee | Latin – Born Again, Reborn, Rebirth | French, Latin | |
Renell | A Boy Who Was Born Again | French | |
Renne | One Who Rises Again | French | |
Rennie | One Who Will Rise Again | French | |
Reve | A Man Who Is Like A Dream | French | |
Reynard | A Powerful Counselor | French | |
Reynaud | A Ruling Counselor | French | |
Rhone | Habitational Name For Someone From Rhonne In Savoy | French | |
Richer | A Man Of Great Power And Wealth | French | |
Rimiggiu | Oarsman | French, Sicilian | Christianity |
Rivera | Habitational Name For Someone Who Lives Near The River | French | Christianity |
Roche | One Who Is Like A Rock | French | |
Rochildis | A Pretty Rock | French | |
Rodel | A Legendary, Acclaimed King | French | |
Rodolph | One Who Is Known As A Famous Wolf | French | |
Roi | He Who Is A King | French | |
Romain | A Roman Man | French | |
Romy | Someone From Rome, Rosemary | French, German, Italian | |
Rosaire | A Rosary, A Garden Of Roses | French | |
Rossignol | One Who Is Like A Nightingale | French | |
Rousel | Little Red One | French, Norman | Christianity |
Rousseau | A Man Of Red Hair | French | |
Ruff | A French Red Haired Man | French | |
Ruffin | A Man Of Red Hair And Skin | French | |
Rule | Famous Wolf | French | |
Rusti | A Variation Of Rusty, or Someone With a Red Head | French |
French Male Names Starting with S
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Saber | Sword | French | |
Sacha | The Defender An Helper Of Men | French | |
Sacheverell | A Place Name, Mostly Used As A Surname | French | |
Salinger | A Saint Leger | French | |
Sarjant | A Military Attendant | French | |
Sasha | A Helper And Defender Of Mankind | French, Greek, Russian | |
Satin | Real | French | |
Savon | Soap Maker | French | |
Savoy | Kingdom In France | French | |
Searle | Armor | French | |
Searlus | Manly | Canadian, French | Christianity |
Seignour | Lord Of The Manor | Canadian, French | Christianity |
Sennet | Wise And Sagacious Man | Canadian, French | Christianity |
Shante | Stony Place | French | |
Shantel | Stony Place | French | |
Shantell | Stony Place | French | |
Sherrill | A Dear Man | French | |
Sheryl | Dear One | French | |
Silvain | He Who Is From The Forest | French | Christianity |
Simone | One Who Is Heard | English, French, Italian | Christianity |
Sinclair | One Who Works Very Hard | French | Christianity |
Sinclaire | A Name Of A Prayer, One Who Prays | French | Christianity |
Soleil | Sun | French | Hindu |
Somervile | One Who Is From The Summer Estate | French | Christianity |
Sorrell | A Man Of Reddish-Brown Hair | French | Christianity |
Spencer | Dispenser Of Provisions | French, Old French | Christianity |
Spurgeon | A Medical Plant, Used For Healing | French | Christianity |
Stella | Star Of The Sea | French, German, Latin, Medieval English | Christianity |
Sydnea | Someone From A Wide Island | French | Christianity |
Sylar | One Who Is A Hard-Working Man | French | Christianity |
Sylvain | He Who Is A Man Of The Forest | French, Italian | Christianity |
Sylvestre | Someone Of The Forest | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with T
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Taillefer | One Who Carves Or Cuts Iron | French | Christianity |
Tanguy | A Warrior Of Fire | Bretons, French | Christianity |
Tayelor | An Occupational Name For A Tailor | English, French | Christianity |
Tayleur | French Variation Of The Name Taylor, A Tailor | English, French | Christianity |
Taylor | Tailor Or To Cut | English, French | Christianity |
Taylyr | A Cutter, Occupational Name For A Tailor | English, French | Christianity |
Teddie | A Fortunate Protector | English, French | Christianity |
Telesphore | A Man Who Brings Fulfillment | French | Christianity |
Terryl | One Who Pulls | French | Christianity |
Thanchere | A Desirable And People Pleasing Person | English, French | Christianity |
Thayer | French Form Of Taylor, A Tailor | French | Christianity |
Thebault | A Bold Man | French | Christianity |
Therese | Harvester | French, German | Christianity |
Therry | Ruler Of The People | French | Christianity |
Thibault | Fearless People | French | Christianity |
Thierry | Ruler Of The People | French | Christianity |
Thiery | Leader Of Men | French | Christianity |
Thoreau | French Literary Name | French | Christianity |
Toulouse | One Who Belongs To The City Tolosa | French | Christianity |
Toussaint | Who Was Born On The All Saints’ Day | French | Christianity |
Trae | A Form Of Trey | French | Christianity |
Trais | The Numeric Three | French | Christianity |
Traver | One Who Is From The Crossings | French | Christianity |
Travers | The Passing Trough Something | French | Christianity |
Travis | To Cross Over | French | Christianity |
Tre | The Third-Born Child | French | Christianity |
Trevais | Tollgate Keeper An Occupational Name | French | |
Trey | Three, Third | French, Indo European | Christianity |
Triage | The Picking Or Sorting Of Injured People | French | Christianity |
Trone | The Machine That Is Used To Weigh | English, French | Christianity |
Trosta | A Tumult Or An Outcry, Knight | Arthurian, Celtic, French | Christianity |
Troy | Son Of A Foot-Soldier | French | Christianity |
Turquoise | Dark Shady Stone Which Reflects In Blue Color | French | Christianity |
Tyce | The One Who Is Firm In Inner Self | French | Christianity |
Tyeson | Passionate Or Blazing | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with U
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Ubaid | Faithful | Arabic, Indian, French | |
Usama | Lion | Arabic, Indian, French | |
Utbah | Thershold | Arabic, Indian, French |
French Male Names Starting with V
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Vachel | French – Calf, Small Cow | French | |
Valentin | Strength Or Health | French, Polish, Russian | Christianity |
Valery | Strength Or Health | French, Polish, Russian | Christianity |
Varden | A Green Slope | Canadian, French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with W
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Wallace | A Welshman Or A Celt | English, French | Christianity |
Warren | Park-Keeper | English, French | Christianity |
Wyatt | The Little Warrior | Canadian, French, Kenyan | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with X
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Xander | Bright | Arabic, Indian, French | |
Xavier | Spendid | Arabic, English, Indian, French | Christianity |
Xerxes | King of Heroes | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with Y
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Yves | Yew Wood | French | Christianity |
French Male Names Starting with Z
Name | Meaning | Origin | Religion |
Zuri | Good Or Beautiful | African, French |
This extensive list of over 790 French first boy names offers parents many meaningful and unique options. The names have deep historical roots and cultural significance, reflecting the rich tapestry of France’s linguistic and cultural heritage.
By selecting a French name for their child, parents can honor their ancestry and imbue their child’s identity with a touch of the romanticism, elegance, and sophistication that the French language is known for.
Whether opting for a traditional name steeped in history or a modern moniker inspired by popular culture, parents can be confident that their choice will provide their child with a strong foundation for their identity and personal story.
Frequently Asked Questions – French Boy Names
What is a cute French boy name?
Louis, Hugo, or Théo are cute French boy names.
What are rare French names for boys?
Names like Séverin, Alaric, or Emeric are considered rare French names for boys.
What are boy French names?
Popular French boy names include Henri, Pierre, Jacques, François, and Luc.
What French boy names mean warrior?
Guillaume, which translates to William in English, has roots meaning “resolute protector” or “strong-willed warrior.”
What are rare French names?
Rare French names can include both male and female names like Giselle, Odilon, or Véronique.
What is the handsomest boy name?
This is subjective, but names like Alexander, Henry, or Liam are often considered handsome.
What is a really fancy French name?
Maximilien, Frédéric, or Alexandre are considered fancy or elegant French names.
What French male name means handsome?
The name Beau directly translates to “handsome” in French.
What French boy name means loyal?
Though not directly translated to “loyal,” the name Félix carries connotations of good fortune and faithfulness, which might be associated with loyalty.
What are some old French names?
Old French names often harken back to medieval or earlier periods. Some examples for boys include Gaspard, Léonard, Charlemagne, and Étienne. For girls, names like Marguerite, Geneviève, Blanche, and Isabeau were popular in past centuries. These names are timeless and still used today, though some are considered more old-fashioned or traditional.