15 Awesome Things to Do With Teens Near Me

Updated: April 24, 2024 | Published:

As the parent of a teen, I know how hard it is to find things to do that they’ll enjoy. TV and video games have a strong pull, but I’ve found that getting out and exploring is key to building those lasting bonds – and creating memories.

Here are 15 activities my teen and I have personally tried and loved (plus a few we’re excited to test next)! I’ve focused on things that are generally accessible, whether you’re in a city or a smaller town.

Things to Do With Teens Near Me

Outdoor Adventures

  • Hiking and Biking Trails: Finding the right trail is key! Sites like AllTrails help us check the difficulty and see reviews. We look for cool features (waterfalls? views?) to keep things interesting. Don’t forget those post-hike snacks!
  • Kayaking and Canoeing: Super peaceful on calm lakes, and rental places abound. For more excitement, try a guided river tour! One time we saw a whole family of turtles sunbathing—my teen still talks about it.
  • Exploring Nature Reserves: These offer more than just walking paths. Sometimes there are talks by rangers, birdwatching areas, or even small exhibits. Learning something new makes it more than just exercise.

Educational Experiences

  • Museums and Science Centers: Don’t just wander—look for teen nights! They often have music, and activities, or allow teens into special exhibits. One place we went had a whole video game design section my kid went nuts over.
  • Historical Sites: Guided tours are worth it here! It’s one thing to read a plaque, and quite another to hear a passionate guide weave stories. Helps my teen connect history to people, not just dates in a book.
  • Special Exhibits and Events: These make an outing feel special. We search our local event calendars for everything from pop-up art installations to traveling science shows designed to be interactive.

Sports and Physical Activities

  • Climbing Walls and Skate Parks: Renting gear for beginners is easy; these places are great for teaching the basics. My teen, surprisingly, got hooked on bouldering at our local climbing gym!
  • Local Sports Leagues: We sometimes just watch fun stuff—my notoriously picky teen loved a quidditch league someone started for laughs. But, joining in is an option too, less pressure than school sports.
  • Fitness Challenges and Marathons: This one might surprise you! Even non-sporty teens sometimes get motivated when it’s for a cause. Consider a color run or a charity walk for a cause they care about.

Arts and Culture

  • Theater Performances: Look beyond Broadway blockbusters! Community theater can be excellent and way cheaper. My teen even got into Shakespeare after a funny outdoor production in the park.
  • Art Classes: These aren’t just for little kids. We found a teen-focused space doing digital art, screen printing, etc. Turns out she’s got skills, and it’s somewhere she wants to go to hang out.
  • Cultural Festivals: The best way to try new foods, hear awesome music, and people-watch. We look for ones put on by local community groups, they’re often more authentic and less crowded.
Read: Celebrating a Wedding to Remember with Your Children

Food and Culinary Experiences

  • Teen-Friendly Cafes: I get it, Starbucks is boring! We love independent cafes that have board games, used books, or comfy couches. Bonus if they do open mic nights!
  • Cooking Classes: We found some awesome ones—sushi rolling, pizza-making, even special ‘teens only’ classes so they’re not with a bunch of adults.
  • Farmers’ Markets and Food Tasting Tours: This is my teen’s surprising favorite. Getting samples, chatting with farmers… one time we even helped judge a chili cook-off!
Read: 10 Teen-Approved Thanksgiving Recipes for a Holiday to Remember

Technology and Gaming

  • Gaming Arcades and VR Experiences: The updated versions of old-school arcades are popping up. VR is pricey, so this makes a fun special occasion outing.
  • Tech Workshops: Libraries sometimes do these for free! They’re a sneaky way to get teens into coding, robotics, or 3D design while feeling like it’s their choice.
  • Local Hackathons or Gaming Tournaments: My teen is way too shy for esports, but watching a tournament was a blast. Those kids are intense, and it showed there’s more to gaming than just goofing off.
Read: How to Organize the Perfect Birthday Party for Your Granddad?

Let’s Get Creative!

I’ll admit, sometimes it still takes convincing to get my teen off the couch. But by trying a wide variety of stuff, we’ve found some true gems. Hopefully, these ideas spark your own adventures!


About Amy T. Smith

Amy is a mother, writer, and your go-to expert for real-life insights into parenting, health, and lifestyle. Amy holds a Master's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and prides herself on finding actionable tips and relatable tales.

Through her blog, AmyandRose, she supports you from pregnancy to the teenage years, offering assurance that your experiences are shared.

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